
Aotearoa New Zealand in space – an introduction

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work in the space sector? It goes way beyond astronauts and rockets and it’s growing fast! The Hub has teamed up with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to showcase some of the amazing mahi taking place in Aotearoa New Zealand. We’ve designed our resources to appeal to a younger audience and we’ve travelled the length of the motu to meet some of the people who work in the space sector.

The space industry in Aotearoa

The Aotearoa New Zealand space sector is growing rapidly. This video introduces 13 experts who work in a variety of fields in science, engineering and mātauranga Māori.

Jargon alert:

Aerospace ecosystem: a network of businesses, research institutes and other organisations that have an interest in aerospace. The term is modelled on the interacting systems within environmental ecosystems.

Questions for discussion:

  • Many of the experts mention attitudes and aptitudes – what do you think they mean by not being afraid of the unknown, big visions and things happening on the edge?

  • Why is having a seat at the table regarding the use and regulation of space important? 

  • How does having a space industry help Aotearoa become self-reliant?


Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Tātai arorangi

Space has always played a significant role in Aotearoa – its beginnings go back a very long way. Space itself has a whakapapa, beginning with Te Kore – our cosmological origins. Tātai arorangi enabled Māori to navigate the Pacific and develop maramataka specific to Aotearoa. The Society of Māori Astronomy Research and Traditions is revitalising this celestial knowledge.

Aotearoa in space

Mark Rocket and Peter Beck are two pioneers of New Zealand’s space sector. Mark played a key role – alongside Peter – in the early days of Rocket Lab (formed in 2006). The company was set up with a vision to “make space more accessible”. Rocket Lab directed the world’s attention to Kiwi space ingenuity and today’s innovators are keeping it there!

Kaitiakitanga embodies care and guardianship for our natural world, including ātea (space). The space industry in Aotearoa is young but kaitiakitanga is at the core of projects like Tāwhaki Joint Venture. Space debris is a wicked problem – satellites provide valuable services but can become dangerous junk. Fortunately, New Zealand has innovative research programmes working to track debris and minimise danger.

MethaneSAT is the first government-funded space mission in Aotearoa. The satellite is able to measure methane emissions from anywhere on Earth and track them back to their origins. This is important because methane is a greenhouse gas. Identifying and fixing methane leaks from oil and gas operations can cut emissions by up to 45%. New Zealand has dual roles in the programme. The Mission Operations Control Centre is located in Auckland where engineers will drive the satellite and keep it functioning smoothly. Kiwi scientists are using their decades of expertise to lead a global agricultural methane detection programme.

MethaneSAT space mission

MethaneSAT is designed to detect methane emissions from accidental leaks, natural sources and agricultural practices. Dr Sara Mikaloff-Fletcher and Dr Beata Bukosa (NIWA) and Professor David Noone (University of Auckland) tell us about their involvement with MethaneSAT’s science mission.

Note: Sara mentions that wetlands and peatlands are natural sources of methane. They are also incredibly beneficial as carbon sinks – removing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Jargon alert:

  • Model: a computer program that uses data (measurements) to simulate how something works.

  • Air column: a vertical column of air from the top of the atmosphere down to ground level. The atmosphere is dynamic, which means the wind blows gases around. Gases and other substances in the air column can come from different locations.

Questions for discussion:

  • Why is it important to know where large gas and oil leaks are located?

  • Why is it important to know about methane emissions happening at the surface of the ground?

  • Where do most of Aotearoa New Zealand’s methane emissions come from?

  • How can models ‘untangle’ emissions emitted from a specific location from those that blow in from another continent?


Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Clear skies and innovative thinking

New Zealand’s clear skies, both figuratively and literally, make the country an ideal location for the space sector. Rocket launches are not constrained by lots of sea and air traffic. Innovative companies like Kea Aerospace and Dawn Aerospace are at the cutting edge of ingenuity and sustainability. Both companies are taking advantage of uncluttered skies to test remotely piloted vehicles. Researchers from around the world take advantage of our atmospherically clear skies to calibrate satellite sensors and validate global space-based observation missions.

Innovative thinking is also behind a space research lab named LUCY that is so tiny it can fit in your hand. LUCY sits inside a very small satellite called a CubeSat and is testing the technology that may one day help us grow food on Mars!

Remote sensing and Earth observation

Remote sensing is another key element of our space industry. Earth observation satellites make precise measurements on a regular basis. Discover how satellite imagery is helping to track and monitor albatross to inform our conservation efforts. GeoNet uses GPS sensors to monitor geohazards such as slowly moving land changes that precede earthquakes. Xerra Earth Observation Institute uses satellite radar data to monitor the seas for illegal fishing and dark vessels – boats that turn off location-transmitting devices to avoid being detected.

Build a satellite

This interactive simulation is designed to develop students’ understanding of satellites and their usefulness with real-life research in Aotearoa New Zealand. The simulation requires users to build their knowledge and understanding about the requirements of each mission along with the satellite components needed to successfully launch a satellite that is fit for the mission’s purpose.

The simulation has three missions:

  • Find dark vessels fishing illegally

  • Track an albatross population 

  • Monitor Earth movements 

At each stage, there is access to a help button and links to additional resources that will support student learning in order to make accurate decisions throughout the satellite build and launch.

Simulation instructions

Click and drag components onto the satellite outline. Components can be added and removed. You will need to select all of the essential components as well as choose the correct payload component for your mission. Choosing the wrong payload means your satellite will not be able to collect data. Hover your mouse or finger over and select the three dots on each component to find out more information about its purpose.

Select a suitable orbit for your satellite’s mission. Choosing the wrong orbit means your satellite won’t be able to collect data.

For optimal viewing, use landscape orientation when using a tablet or iPad.

This is a simulation, so please note there may be small inaccuracies and satellite components and orbits are not to scale.

See the activity Build a satellite for a mission for a mission for additional support in using this interactive simulation.

Related content

These resources provide helpful background information.

Read more about building satellites.

Discover more about using satellites to track: 

Activity ideas

Use the data the satellites collect during the simulation to analyse:

Consider doing the activity Interpreting observations from satellite images prior to these activities. It introduces strategies that are useful when interpreting satellite images.


This resource has been produced with funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the support of the New Zealand Space Agency.

Rights: Crown copyright

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the New Zealand Space Agency

The New Zealand Space Agency, part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, is the lead government agency for space policy, regulation and sector development.

Rights:  The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

So what’s in an Earth observation satellite? What keeps it powered, on track, safe from danger and enables it to collect data? Find out for yourself with the Build a satellite interactive and activity! The interactive has three scenarios and lets you build a satellite for a particular purpose. Watch as Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket takes your satellite into orbit. If your build is successful, you can collect and analyse real-life data about albatross populations, slow slips and dark vessels. Students can even create a 3D cardboard model of their purpose-built satellite.

Take up the challenge

Our activities support multiple curriculum areas: science, social sciences, technology and digital technology.

Kaitiakitanga is a core component of our space industry, so having a clear set of guidelines and rules about using space above the motu is very important. Explore the issues by creating a space treaty. Knowing these guidelines will come in handy for those working in the space sector. Can I work in the space industry? introduces students to the attitudes and dispositions of those working in the sector and encourages students to consider how they can take on the challenge of working in space.

We get some amazing images from space that contain a wealth of information. Interpreting observations from satellite images uses fantastic photos of Aotearoa to help young people learn a few of the strategies that real scientists use to interpret representations. Of course, scientists need to make sure that the data provided by satellites is accurate. Challenge students to make on-the-ground observations to validate online satellite views of your school.

Another way to gather and interpret data is with micro:bit sensors – they can be easily incorporated when investigating or modelling space-related projects. Micro:bits also feature when students make a model of a CubeSat – a small satellite of just 10 cm3 – and use it to detect light.

Move from hands-on technology to digital technology and create a game that cleans up space junk. We have two examples made in Scratch: Space Debris Remover and Space Junk Deorbit that provide both fun and inspiration.

Navigating through all of this may be a challenge so, to make it easier, check out the context for learning. It contains curriculum connections and pedagogical suggestions for getting the most out of the resources.

Related content

Need some help getting your head around all the different resources? Our recorded webinar highlights key themes.

The Hub has lots of space-related resources curated in the satellites, astronomy and rockets topics.

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Related content

Useful link

Visit the New Zealand Space Agency – the front door for space activity in New Zealand.

Useful link


This resource has been produced with funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the support of the New Zealand Space Agency.


New Zealand Space Agency and MBIE logos.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the New Zealand Space Agency

The New Zealand Space Agency, part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation  and Employment, is the lead government agency for space policy, regulation and sector development.

Rights: Crown copyright
Published:25 July 2022