
Farming and the environment – timeline

Use this timeline to to find out about some key dates relating to discoveries about farming and the environment in New Zealand.

800–1200 – People occupy New Zealand

New Zealand is covered in bush, tussock, alpine plants and swamplands. After the first Polynesian settlers arrive, bush and tussock are burned so that moa can be hunted and crops like kūmara, taro, gourds and yams grown.

1769–1800s – Animals and plants introduced

Europeans arrive and establish farms. Horses, cattle, sheep, fruit trees and pine trees are introduced. The exchange of goods with Māori and with Australia develops into a trade industry. Farming items traded include timber, flax, wool, potatoes, fruit and pigs.

1860–1900 – Farming expands

Machinery importation aids wide deforestation. Mixed livestock and cropping operations develop. Butter and meat trade with Britain begins. High returns encourage intensive sheep and dairy farms. There are 13 million sheep by 1880. Superphosphate is manufactured.

A Taranaki dairy farm in Taranaki ca 1900, New Zealand.

Early dairy farm

Bush was cleared for farming in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Bush was felled and burned, then oversown with clover and grasses.

Rights: A Taranaki dairy farm. McAllister, James, 1869-1952: Negatives of Stratford and Taranaki district. Ref: 1/1-007882-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

1900–1935 – Farming methods improve

Mechanical methods of milking cows introduced. Tractors arrive. Dairy Board and science institutions set up to control exports and improve efficiency of dairy industry. Electricity supplied to rural areas. Hill erosion from forest removal becomes a problem.

1935–1940 – Intensive farming and orchards

Cobalt deficiency in soils recognised. Cobalt is added to superphosphate to help make more intensive livestock farming possible. First commercial orchards of Chinese gooseberries (later known as kiwifruit) are established.

1941 – First environmental legislation

Soil and Rivers Control Act is passed. This is the first environmental legislation in New Zealand, passed to prevent and reduce soil erosion and protect property from flood damage.

1945 – Science helps farm production

New Zealand scientists produce grasses, clover, crops and breeds of sheep to suit local conditions. Cow population is 1.7 million.

1947 – Use of fertiliser widespread

Aerial topdressing makes it possible to fertilise hill country paddocks.

1953, a loader bucket releases fertiliser into a aircraft hopper

Early aerial topdressing

World War II Tiger Moths were among the first aircraft used for topdressing in New Zealand. Here, in 1953, a loader bucket releases fertiliser into the aircraft hopper.

Rights: Top dressing - Aerial [Archives Reference: AAFZ 6329 W3302/7552/2/134 K5412] Archives New Zealand The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

1952 – Dairy farming intensifies

Waikato farmer Ron Sharp develops the herringbone dairy, cutting milking times in half. Herd sizes increase.

1967 – Water and soil issues recognised

Water and Soil Conservation Act passed, addressing water and soil pollution issues. Cow population is now over 2 million.

1969 – Further dairy developments

Taranaki farmer Merv Hicks develops the first turnstile milking system – forerunner to the rotary.

1977 – Further intensification

The Livestock Incentive Scheme is set up by the government to encourage farmers to farm more livestock and entice them to stay farming. Export competition results in declining international prices.

1978 – More land turned into farms

The Land Development Encouragement Loans Scheme encourages further development of land into farming pastures. Fertiliser subsidies encourage the use of fertiliser and lime.


Dr Ross Monaghan from AgResearch at Invermay in Otago talks about fertilisers – what they are and why they are used on farms.

Point of interest: Ross talks about using a nutrient budget for farms. The Overseer® Nutrient Budgeting model is an  online tool to assist with nutrient management.

Rights: University of Waikato

1980 – Recognition of land preservation

National Parks Act passed. This recognises that areas of New Zealand are of ‘such distinctive quality, ecological systems, or natural features so beautiful, unique, or scientifically important that their preservation is in the national interest’.

1984 – Farming subsidies removed

Government removes subsidies on fertilisers, weed control, tax breaks and grants. Farmers diversify and are more efficient and more responsive to the market. High country sheep farming declines. Number of sheep peaks in 1982 (70 million). Smaller farms amalgamate.

1987 – Awareness of environmental issues

Environmental Act shows an increasing awareness of environmental issues. There are calls from concerned groups for better soil and water protection and more sustainable agricultural practices. Riparian protection and planting are encouraged.

1989 – Farmers diversify

New regional councils take responsibility for water and soil management. Farmers diversify into deer and goat farming. Horticulture becomes popular in better soils. Sustainable use of South Island high country explored – programmes put into place to control rabbits.

1991 – RMA is passed

The Resource Management Act (RMA) focuses on using resources to provide wellbeing for people while safeguarding the environment. Landowners take responsibility for impacts of their activities. Tougher environmental standards set in place.

1992 – Science, forestry, dairy increase

Crown research institutes are formed for agricultural research, ending research through government departments. Forestry planting expands. Conversion of sheep and beef farms to dairy farms increasing, particularly in the South Island. Nutrient budgeting is encouraged

2002 – Climate change recognition

Climate Change Response Act passed. Greenhouse gases have to be recorded and reported in accordance with international law. Cow population is now over 3 million. Average dairy herd size is 308 cows in 1997.

2003 – Pollution and farming addressed

Dairying and Clean Stream Accord highlights water pollution of lakes, rivers and streams due to intensification of dairy farming and promotes sustainable dairy farming. Tax on agricultural gas emissions (‘fart’ tax) proposed. Pollution in Rotorua lakes investigated.

2004 – Farming changes continue

Amalgamation of smaller farms continues. Number of farms reduced from 71,505 in 1980 to 60,000. Wine, olives and avocados become popular diversifications. Invasive rock snot (didymo) found in rivers. Nitrate becomes an increasing problem in groundwater.

Hand holding some of the invasive algae didymo.


An example of the invasive algae didymo. New Zealand scientists are involved in monitoring rivers to work out where didymo has spread to, and how it is doing so.

Rights: 2006 Biosecurity NZ

2008 – ETS enforced

Climate Change Response Amendment Act passed to reduce emission of greenhouse gases caused by human activity. An Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) charges high gas producers as an incentive to produce less. Report criticises dairy industry and high emissions production.

2011 – Cow and sheep population

Cow population 4.4 million. Average dairy herd size is about 400 cows. Sheep population reduced to just over 31 million.

2012 – Science, farmers and environment

Scientists work to improve farming and the environment. Planning for soil nutrients, nitrification inhibitors, denitrification beds and farm management practices are examples of science and farmers working together to improve productivity and the environment.

Managing the nutrient problem

Dr Ross Monaghan from AgResearch at Invermay in Otago talks about various practices that can be employed to manage nutrient losses from becoming a problem on farmland.

Rights: University of Waikato

2019 – global mega trends

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) releases a report into the future of food and farming. The report identifies three mega trends: enhanced environmental consciousness, new technological developments (genomics, for example) and changing consumer preferences (including provenance, health benefits and ethics).

2020 – Essential Freshwater

The Ministry for the Environment issues new rules and regulations to restore and protect the health of New Zealand's waterways.

Related content

Use this timeline to explore how dairy farming has changed significantly over the centuries in New Zealand.

Useful links

See how nitrogen leaching from livestock has increased over time in New Zealand.

Find out more about the 2018 MBIE report Current land based farming systems research and future challenges.

Published:30 July 2013