Farming and environmental issues
In this activity, students explore ethical issues related to farming and environmental pollution. They learn about the science involved and the range of perspectives among stakeholders.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
explain some of the science involved in the issue
explain some of the ethical aspects of the issue
have some ideas about possible solutions.
Reducing nitrous oxide
Dr Selai Letica explains her work in managing the risk of nitrogen loss to the atmosphere through the use of nitrification inhibitors.
Download the word file (see below) for:
the ethics question
what you need
what to do.
Nature of science
Discussions about ethics in science are a core feature of the nature of science. In the Nature of Science strand, the New Zealand Curriculum states students should use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them. They should explore aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible choices.
Useful links
Link to the Resource Management Act 1991.
This is a guide to understanding the Resource Management Act. It discusses what it is, what it is intended to do and how.
Find out about the changes in the Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017.
In November 2022 it was announced that there would be a major overhaul of the Resource Management Act with the introduction of the Natural and Built Environment and the Spatial Planning Bills.