
Investigate: Why do we need to help?

Can we make New Zealand pest-free? Lesson 1: Investigate: Why do we need to help?

Urban ecosanctuary ZEALANDIA, with support from WWF New Zealand, has produced a comprehensive teaching resource supporting schools to explore the pest-free vision with students. This series of lesson plans focuses on students becoming actively involved in contributing to a pest-free New Zealand.

This lesson includes a pre-unit assessment test and introduces the global iNaturalist data collecting and citizen science platform and NatureWatchNZ regional node. Students carry out an endemic animal group research activity and investigate the concept of biodiversity – what species do we have at our place?

Download lesson plan: Lesson 1: Investigate: Why do we need to help?

Download resources: Pre and post assessment test; Pre and post marking rubric; New Zealand fauna and mammalian pest species

A little spotted kiwi or kiwi pukupuku on forest floor.

Kiwi pukupuku

Little spotted kiwi or kiwi pukupuku in forest.

Rights: Andrew Digby

Additional supporting resources

He tikanga – te reo Māori and English terms – The activities in this ZEALANDIA lesson plan are intended to be used throughout the whole unit, not as a one-off activity. The intent is to help students become familiar with te reo Māori and English terms mentioned throughout the resource.

Mathematics and statistics in a real context – The two main elements of this lesson are analysing examples and gathering other sources of data, and collecting and displaying data to analyse to effect real-world outcomes. It can be adapted for higher levels of learning and shows the relevance of mathematical skills in a real-life context.

ZEALANDIA lesson plans series

Nature of science

Conservation efforts are improved when we understand how living organisms interact and how to effectively target pest species.

Activity ideas

In the activity Making a tracking tunnel, students monitor the presence of pest species in a neighbouring gully or their school grounds.

Careful observation is an important part of science, as outlined in the activity Observation: learning to see.

In the activity Mapping the future, students are encouraged to connect and create a sense of belonging by exploring changes that have taken place in their local environment in the last 50–100 years and to plan for the next 50 years.

Related Hub's PLD

In the recorded online PD session Teachers using the Hub – Bird conservation and literacy, teacher Kim MacPherson talks about the Science Learning Hub’s resources and how she used a literacy approach to engage and explore science issues with year 7 and 8 students.

Useful links

ZEALANDIA has many other educational resources. For advice or assistance in implementing this programme please contact the ZEALANDIA Education team, Go to Zealandia's Education Programmes Activites & Resources page and select Can we make New Zealand pest-free?, to see all downloadable resources on one page. If your school is in the Wellington region and you would like support to run this programme, access ZEALANDIA’s free Outreach programme by contacting

Find out more about local and global conservation efforts by WWF.

If you want to get involved at an individual or community level, check out Predator Free New Zealand Trust.

Read about DOC’s work with Predator Free 2050.


ZEALANDIA is the world’s first fully fenced urban ecosanctuary. It has an extraordinary 500-year vision to restore a Wellington valley’s forest and freshwater ecosystems as closely as possible to their pre-human state. For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature as the world’s leading conservation organisation. WWF’s unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.

ZEALANDIA and WWF logos.

ZEALANDIA and WWF collaboration

A series of lesson plans enabling teachers and students to contribute to a pest-free New Zealand, developed by ZEALANDIA with support from WWF.

Rights: 1986 Panda Symbol WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature, ZEALANDIA
Published: 8 March 2017Updated: 9 January 2020