Teacher PLD

Fighting infection

Winter is coming!! And so are coughs, colds and other nasty lurgies. What is going on in our bodies? How do we get sick? How do our bodies fight these bugs?

In this online PD session recorded on 7 April 2016, Barb Ryan is joined by Dr Kara Filbey from the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research. They explore resources from the Science Learning Hub on immunology – the immune system, what is it and how does it work to fight infection?

These resources are suitable for primary and secondary school students.

This activity works really well, and the kids love it [referring to the Spreading disease activity]


This PLD session was based on the legacy Science Learning Hub however all the resources are still available on the new-look Science Learning Hub site.

Fighting infection

This professional development session with Dr Kara Filbey from the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research explores resources from the Science Learning Hub about immunology.

This video shows footage from the legacy Science Learning Hub, however all the activities are still available on the new-look Science Learning Hub site.

Rights: © Copyright. University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

Watch the video (above) of this professional development session (you may want to download it) and also see below the index and the PowerPoint presentation.

  • PowerPoint presentation

  • Index for the PowerPoint and video.

Dr Filbey talks about her research involving worms that supress the immune system and how they are used in the development of vaccines against allergies!

Barb observed a year 5/6 class that did most of the activities in our resources on fighting infection. Not only did the children love the activities but they also impressed their parents with their scientific language and knowledge about the immune system!

Activity ideas

Introduce a fighting infection science unit by making some ‘SLH snot’ before you begin a unit on fighting infection. Get one of the students to ‘accidently’ sneeze – producing a hand full of ‘SLH snot’. Once the reaction from the other students has subsided, you can begin to ask what is snot? What is it for?

Use the Spreading diseases activity help your students understand how a virus spreads through a group.

Useful links

Visit one or more of the Hub’s Pinterest boards below for resources on human health

Dr Kara Filbey carries out her research at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research.

Published:14 April 2016