SLH and the science capabilities
This online PD session recorded on 10 June 2015 shows teachers how they might use Science Learning Hub resources to develop the five science capabilities. The Ministry of Education has identified these five science capabilities as key to helping students develop a functional level of science understanding, that is, to have citizenship capabilities.
Terrific – will look at this with younger students.
SLH and the science capabilities
A recorded PLD session for primary teachers introducing ways Science Learning Hub resources can support teaching and learning of the science capabilities.
Resources from the Science Learning Hub are highlighted to demonstrate how they might help develop students’ science capabilities as part of a wider science inquiry. In particular, the session offers questions that teachers might ask students to get them thinking and responding along the lines of the following capabilities: gather and interpret data, use evidence, critique evidence, interpret representations and engage with science.
Thank you for an informative session, nice and relaxed, with discussion here at school coming from this.
See above to view the video of this professional development session (we recommend downloading the video) and also links below to download the:
PowerPoint presentation
index for the PowerPoint and video.
Thanks, that was very comprehensive and great to be part of.
Related webinars
Learn more about the capabilities and how to support them with the following webinars:
Having fun with the science capabilities – discover simple Material World activities that develop students' science capabilities.
Science capabilities in action – observation: gather and interpret data
Developing an eagle eye – observation: gather and interpret data
Making sense of what we see – interpreting observations: gather and interpret data
Delving into data – collecting data: use evidence and critique evidence
Making sense of data – interpreting data: use evidence and critique evidence
We've created a collection to support educators using the science capabilities. The collection includes activities suitable for ākonga in the primary years.
Useful link
Read more about the science capabilities on the TKI website.