Sorting food into groups
This activity is designed to encourage students to think about foods and group them according to their own categorisation system. Students then do online research regarding food energy and healthy food recommendations and revise their grouping systems in light of the new knowledge.

Vegetable selection
This selection of healthy vegetables includes peppers, tomatoes and broccoli.
In this activity, students explore ways of grouping foods using a silent card shuffle.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
experience devising and revising their own food categorisation systems
consider the relationship between food and energy.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
background information for teachers
teacher instructions.
Related content
Guiding food choices explores the concept of balancing the foods we eat with the energy requirements of our lifestyles
The Australian and New Zealand governments are conducting a review of the Health Star Rating system for food. This article looks at the system’s drawbacks and ways to move forward.
As an extension students could use learn more about Energy requirements and food groups.
Useful links
In this activy students are asked to do online research using these websites:
HealthEd – more about eating well at any age (several language options are available)
The NZ Nutrition Foundation – energy values of different nutrients
TKI Food and nutrition section – everyday and occasional foods