Diffusion and effusion
In this activity, students investigate gaseous diffusion and effusion. After completing a laboratory experiment to gain a basic understanding of diffusion and effusion, students investigate carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Gaseous diffusion and effusion
Gases diffuse freely to fill the whole of the containing vessel. They can effuse through a tiny opening from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
understand the difference between diffusion and effusion
relate the diffusion of gases to the kinetic theory model for gases
link gaseous diffusion to the movement of toxic gases like carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide
provide a simple rap/poem/song to highlight the some of the dangers of poisonous gas diffusion.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do.
Related content
Scientific study requires a basic knowledge and understanding of ideas and concepts. Use the articles below to explain some of the ideas that are fundamental to understanding gases:
Useful links
Find out from Worksafe on how forklifts and carbon monoxide can be a potentially deadly combination. Find about the Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Safety Program.