Teacher PLD

Online citizen science

In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and Carol Brieseman, primary teacher and winner of the 2018 Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize explore the vast potential of online citizen science (OCS).

Thank you for sharing so many fantastic ideas to use in regular practice.


OCS involves non-scientists contributing to science projects using the internet. This process can provide a richness and flexibility that, when planned for, offers authentic opportunities for practising science capabilities and engaging in real, meaningful science.

Learn from a teacher who has successfully utilised OCS in her classrooms and discover the new and exciting citizen science resources the Science Learning Hub has to offer.

Online citizen science

This is an edited recording of the webinar Online citizen science.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wananga o Waikato

Online citizen science – slideshow

This slideshow, from the webinar Online citizen science, provides additional support for the video tutorial.

Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here for the download option.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wananga o Waikato
Size: 13.61 MB

You can download the video and slideshow presentation.

Thanks Carol. I appreciate the way you share your knowledge and enthusiasm.



TopicSlideshow number(s)Video timecode

Introducing the Science Learning Hub and presenters









What is online citizen science?



The Online Citizen Science (OCS) research project



Why use online citizen science?



Science capabilities



Choosing a project



Finding OCS resources on the Hub



SLH links, keep in touch and thanks



More on citizen science

The number of opportunities to be involved as citizen scientists continues to grow and teachers are increasingly using them to make science education more relevant and engaging.

Find out what being a citizen scientist means in this article.

This webinar mentions a range of projects, explore these and more in the Citizen science section on the Science Learning Hub and find one that sparks an interest. Find out how to make the most of using this section in the article Using online citizen science projects.

Need more information? The article Planning for your students to be citizen scientists is full of great advice for using online citizen science in your classroom.

The Hub also has articles, other PLD and more under the citizen science topic.

This case study and unit plan cover how Carol Brieseman used the Identify New Zealand Animals project to help her students develop their understanding about the skills scientists use while also letting them engage in a real-life investigation.

Carol mentions Skink Spotter NZ in the webinar. Find out more about this online citizen science project.

Getting started with citizen science

This webinar is part two of a series on citizen science, see the first webinar Getting started with citizen science.

Useful links

See the Citizen Science Association of Aotearoa NZ (#CitSciNZ) website for lots of information on citizen science and projects in Aotearoa.

Check out the large collection of citizen science resources curated in this Pinterest board.


The Science Learning Hub would like to thank Carol Briesman for her involvement in this webinar.

Published: 27 September 2019,Updated: 27 September 2019