Teacher PLD

Planning for students to be citizen scientists

The number of citizen science projects is growing at a rapid rate, with benefits for scientists and those who participate. But what potential do they have for supporting school science?

Using citizen science projects to support school science

Explore some of the citizen science projects that you could tap into and how they might support learning.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

An education research project funded by the Teaching & Learning Research Initiative sought to identify approaches for effectively integrating online citizen science projects within science teaching and learning. Four expert primary teachers were involved. Their experiences highlighted the importance of purpose, planning and preparation.

Citizen science (CS) and online citizen science (OCS)

Citizen science projects invite citizens (including school students) to contribute to a real-world science project. Often, participants contribute data from their location or they help to analyse and interpret data collected by the project. In OCS projects, tasks require using the internet. This generally means that participants can contribute from different locations.

The case studies of each of the four participating teachers offer rich examples of how OCS projects were embedded into their primary science units, including how they scaffolded students’ conceptual development, focused on the development of particular science capabilities and adapted their approaches when required:

  • Dianne Christenson (year 2–4) – investigating litter as part of a unit on kaitiakitanga and sustainability.

  • Carol Brieseman (year 5/6) – identifying pest species as part of a unit on ecosystems and conservation.

  • Melissa Coton (year 5/6) – measuring light pollution at night as part of a unit on light.

  • Matt Boucher (year 7/8) – hunting for exoplanets as part of a unit on light.


We think that most teachers will be interested in using an OCS project to supplement and broaden a topic they are already planning to teach. It will be part of a purposeful plan to develop an aspect of Nature of Science that also connects strongly to the science concepts being taught.

We believe using an OCS project enables teachers to:

  • focus on developing a specific science capability in a context related to the teaching topic – gathering, interpreting or categorising data or critiquing evidence

  • highlight the relevance and value of the science learning, with students contributing to a real-world science project

  • create opportunities for working with real and relevant datasets that often have been co-created

  • support students to learn about how science works – considering how scientists collect and use data and the reliability of particular data, making sense of data and exploring what it means to behave scientifically

  • help students ‘take action’ by contributing data or analysis that informs a science-related issue or in response to participating in the OCS (such as seeing the effects of light pollution, climate change and so on).


To successfully integrate an OCS project, it seems helpful for teachers to purposefully consider a range of aspects, including the OCS project, access to devices and working with data.

Which OCS project?

The number of OCS projects is growing, and there may well be several projects that would fit well into your planned unit. A variety are profiled on the Science Learning Hub, but this list is not exhaustive.

Students collecting data near Otago Harbour as citizen scientist

Collecting data to log online

Students and scientists teamed up to monitor Otago Harbour as part of their citizen science initiative Sediment and Seashores: What are the Consequences? Their data is being logged online using the Marine Metre Squared citizen science project.

Before selecting a project, consider the following:

  • Is it still operational/active? (Note that some finished projects still offer access to datasets that can be of great use.)

  • What do participants need to do? Will your students manage what is asked of them?

  • How easy is it to use the website?

  • How do the opportunities it provides fit with previous experiences that students have had?

  • What scaffolding will students require in order to contribute to it?

  • Which of the NZC science capabilities for citizenship could it help develop?

  • How can it be used to extend students’ current capabilities and experiences?

  • Are you able to communicate with the scientist(s) behind the project or find out about them and their work?

How many devices?

OCS projects require students to use devices, but there is no ‘right’ answer regarding the number of devices that would be ideal. You certainly do not need 1:1 devices – our research showed that sharing devices was often better. Students working together on the same screen more often discussed and debated their decisions.

For some teachers, getting the students to enter the correct URL was an issue. For others, it was navigating the school system to enable students to use a location feature needed for the OCS. With young students, a tuakana-teina approach was successful.

Obstacles to starting can take away some of the excitement about what students are about to do. Plan ahead and identify potential barriers so that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Think too about ways students can get sidetracked as they engage in the OCS – using a map feature can end up with students looking at interesting street views if you are not vigilant!

What about the data?

By participating in the OCS project, students sometimes create data for the project scientists to use. It is very important to be clear about what happens to the data your students create and to think about if and how you might use this in developing your students’ science capabilities.

It is useful to consider these questions:

  • What parts of your students’ work (data creation) will they be able to access and work with?

  • Will they be able to see and use their own and others’ data?

  • Can you use and discuss your own class’s data?

  • Is it possible to access/compare your data to that from another class at your school, another school or even in another country?

  • Does your students’ data just get mixed with everyone else's?

  • Can you access all citizen scientists’ contributions?

  • Does the project share raw data or present data summaries graphically?

  • What do output graphs look like?

  • How will you ‘teach’ your students to be able to interpret and make sense of the data or graphs/images generated?

3 young students and a computer identifying beach litter online

Identifying beach litter online

Year 2-4 students at Koraunui School used an online citizen science project to link into global data and classify beach litter.

Rights: Dianne Christenson, Koraunui School


Using an OCS project is likely to take place within a larger unit of work, and it is important to consider what you will do in the body of the unit to support understanding about the OCS.

What will your students need to understand prior to using the OCS project? This could be content related or skill related.

For example, in this case study, teacher Matt Boucher used the OCS projects Agent Exoplanet and Planet Hunters as part of a physics unit on light. These OCS projects invite participants to help identify exoplanets (planets beyond our Solar System) by interpreting light graphs generated from satellite images. Matt first needed to model how the light graphs were generated in order for students to make sense of the data provided in the OCS projects.

Teacher modelling the transit method of planets.

Modelling the transit method

Teacher Matt Boucher models how the transit method is used to identify exoplanets. This hands on demonstration supported his students to analyse data on two online citizen science platforms about the search for exoplanets.

Rights: Matt Boucher, Wellington South Intermediate

Scientific skills and dispositions could include:

  • understanding of scale

  • developing an eye for detail (close observation)

  • repetition (generating sufficient, reliable data)

  • persistence (keeping going to achieve a goal)

  • integrity (doing your best and giving the best answer possible because the results count).

Linking online citizen science with pest tracking

Teacher Carol Brieseman explains why she used an online citizen science (OCS) project as part of a primary school unit on pest management at Hampton Hill School.

Although the OCS project – Identify New Zealand Animals – is now complete, she shares valuable insights into the benefits of using projects like this one as part of a wider unit of learning and taking action. The article, Invasive animals in cities gives more information on this project and the outcomes. These include:

The unit as a whole enabled students to develop the science capability Engage with science using the other capabilities to engage with science in real-life contexts.

In 2018, Carol was awarded the Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Developing students’ science capabilities

In order to know that your teaching has developed students’ science capabilities, it is important to focus on depth rather than breadth and making a few aspects very clear and explicit rather than aiming for an extensive list of learning outcomes.

We recommend that you:

  • focus on developing only one or two capabilities

  • think about your students’ capabilities to start with – what can they or can’t they do?

  • think about the words, questions, phrases, conversations and activities you may need to incorporate throughout the unit to develop a particular capability and plan these ahead of time

  • plan to share with your students why developing this skill, ability or disposition is important – this shows you value this aspect of their learning and makes the learning of it an explicit intention

  • make it clear what quality looks like – notice and celebrate strong student examples and talk about the features of their behaviour

  • think about how you will measure your students’ ability in this focus capability so that you and they will know how they have developed.

We make the same recommendation regarding planning for content knowledge development. Choose only two or three science concepts that you want your students to understand in each unit. They may well pick up and understand a lot more, both from the Nature of Science strand and the contextual strands, but this is incidental and a bonus over and above your unit.

Limiting the number of learning outcomes keeps the topic more focused and achievable for all students, and you will have evidence to show how well it worked, what worked and what didn’t and what you might change, amend or adapt next time.

Online citizen science meets environmental care

Dianne Christenson explains how she used an online citizen science (OCS) project as part of a primary school unit on kaitiakitanga. Although the OCS project – The Plastic Tide – is now complete, she shares valuable insights into the benefits of using projects like this one as part of a wider unit of learning and taking action (see also Litter Intelligence and Litterati). These include:

  • contributing to a real science project

  • learning about the nature of science

  • developing a global perspective in relation to a local problem.

Dianne also mentions ‘machine learning’ in this clip – the process whereby algorithms in digital applications (such as websites or smartphone apps) are able to use new data to refine outputs, without explicit instruction. The Plastic Tide aimed to automate the detection, measurement and monitoring of marine litter and plastic. It used the work of real people – citizen scientists – to refine the automated identification of litter.

In 2016, Dianne was awarded the Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Ongoing development

Having planned this unit well, use it again in the future with a new cohort of students. We develop useful understanding about what and how to teach when we refine units and activities as we reteach them, especially about useful activities, teacher questions and what students tend to find difficult.

Related content

Use the Hub’s citizen science portal to locate relevant OCS projects. Be inspired by the case studies of the teachers below and discover how they embedded OCS projects in their primary primary and intermediate science units.

In this video ākonga who’ve participated in citizen science projects provide a brief explanation about citizen science projects, how they benefit the science community and why they like being involved.  Find out how to make the most of using the Citizen science section in the article Using online citizen science projects.

Citizen science webinars

In our citizen science PLD webinar, Greta Dromgool and Sarah Morgan help to make sense of the growing opportunities to engage with citizen science. 

In this webinar, Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Prize winner Carol Brieseman, shares her experiences using online citizen science projects in her classroom. 

Useful links

Find out more about the research project underpinning this work: Using the Web for Science in the Classroom: Online Citizen Science Participation in Teaching and Learning. Discover more about online citizen science, levels of use and how scientists benefit from and use citizens to assist them in their research in this Teaching & Learning Research Initiative education research report, Citizen scientists in the classroom: Investigating the role of online citizen science in primary school science education.

New Zealand’s science capabilities for citizenship were developed to support teachers to address the overarching Nature of Science strand within our curriculum in ways that develop their students’ capability to critically engage with science as citizens.

This Education Gazette article highlights the benefits of online citizen science for primary education.

This New Zealand Geographic article looks at how a wide range of New Zealanders with no specialist training are contributing to scientific research through citizen science.

See the Citizen Science Association of Aotearoa NZ (#CitSciNZ) website for lots of information on citizen science and projects in Aotearoa. 


This article was crafted by Dayle Anderson from Victoria University of Wellington and science education consultant Brigitte Glasson drawing on an education research project funded through the Teaching & Learning Research Initiative Citizen Scientists in the Classroom.

Published:25 March 2019