
Aotearoa’s contributions to climate emissions

Emissions are the release of greenhouse gases from human activities. They can be estimated in different ways, including production-based and consumption-based approaches.

The production-based approach counts the emissions from the goods and services we produce within the country, whether we use them here or export them. This approach is used to calculate gross greenhouse gas emissions for the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory, the government’s official annual estimate of all human-generated emissions and removals in New Zealand.

The consumption-based approach counts the emissions from things we consume in Aotearoa from locally produced as well as imported goods and services. This approach is like calculating the country’s carbon footprint.

Together, both methods provide a fuller understanding of where our national emissions are coming from.

Infographic estimating New Zealand’s emissions

Estimating New Zealand’s emissions

There are two ways of estimating New Zealand’s emissions – from what we produce and from what we consume.

Diagram by Ministry for the Environment, Stats NZ, and data providers and released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Download this image as a PDF.

Rights: © Crown copyright 2020

Production-based emissions

New Zealand has an unusual greenhouse gas emissions profile for a developed country. In 2018, almost half of our gross emissions were from agriculture – 48% compared to 12% on average for other developed countries. Although we export many of our agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, the export emissions are still counted in our inventory. Road transport also makes a large contribution to our gross emissions (19%).

New Zealand's 2015 consumption-based emissions infographic

Consumption-based emissions

Carbon dioxide emitted from manufactured goods made up the largest source of New Zealand’s consumption-based emissions in 2015.

Download the graph as a PDF.

Infographic by Ministry for the Environment, Stats NZ and data providers and released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Rights: Crown copyright 2020

Consumption-based emissions

New Zealand has a relatively small manufacturing sector, so we rely on imports for many of the products we use. As a result, we import more CO2 than we export – 44% of the carbon dioxide emissions embodied in the goods and services we use happen overseas. In 2015, Kiwis were responsible for 9.3 kg of carbon dioxide per person. This per-person consumption rate is similar to other developed countries. The highest emitters were the USA with 18.1 kg/per person and Australia with 17.9 kg/per person.

Methane and nitrous oxide made up more than half of the total production-based greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand in 2018. Because of this, New Zealand is a net exporter of greenhouse gas emissions in a consumption-based approach that includes all greenhouse gases .

Aotearoa’s contributions to greenhouse gas emissions

Drew Bingham from the Ministry for the Environment discusses two approaches for looking at greenhouse gas emissions: production and consumption.

Notes: When Drew talks about energy, he is referring to the energy we use to create goods or fuel our vehicles – for example, electricity and fossil fuels. This differs from the energy that humans add to the atmosphere via greenhouse gas emissions.

Drew also talks about GDP, which stands for gross domestic product. GDP is the total value of goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period, normally a year. GDP is used as an economic indicator to show the economic health of a country.

Questions for discussion:

  • What is the most common way of reporting New Zealand’s emissions?

  • Who do you think should be responsible for greenhouse gas emissions – the country that makes the goods or the people who use them? Why?

  • Why do you think that New Zealand’s carbon dioxide emissions are increasing even though technology is creating more fuel-efficient vehicles?

Rights: Crown Copyright 2020, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Sources of emissions

Road transport made up 43% of New Zealand’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2018 – emissions from this source increased by 22% between 2009 and 2018. Cars and other passenger vehicles emitted 27% of New Zealand’s carbon dioxide emissions in 2018. The manufacturing industries and construction sector were New Zealand’s next biggest source of gross carbon dioxide emissions after transport, at 18% of our total.

Most of the country’s methane and nitrous oxide emissions come from primary industries. Aotearoa has lots of sheep, cattle, deer and goats. These animals are ruminants – microbes in their digestive tract (rumen) break down the plant materials they eat. Methane is a byproduct of their digestion process and when the animals burp, they release the gas. Nitrous oxide is also a result of animals and bacteria. The bacteria live in the soil and convert nitrogen-rich cow urine into nitrous oxide gas.

Red electric bus in Auckland, New Zealand

Electric bus

In New Zealand, an electric bus has a carbon footprint that is only 10% that of a diesel bus. Moving away from fossil fuels is a significant way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Reducing emissions

The Ministry for the Environment is responsible for leading the development, co-ordination and implementation of whole-of-government climate change policy. Other government agencies like the Ministry of Transport and Ministry for Primary Industries fund research and provide policy advice to support the reduction of emissions from their sectors.

As individuals, there are actions we can take to reduce our emissions. Most actions require us to think about our consumption of electricity, petrol, the foods we eat and the products we buy.

What can I do to stop climate change?

Professor James Renwick provides a few suggestions on how each of us can reduce our carbon footprint.

Questions for discussion:

  • What are some of the suggestions that you can put into practice?

  • Who might you talk to about climate change?

  • Is there an effective way a group of you might be able to communicate your ideas?

  • Dr Shaun Awatere is shown commuting to work – what mode of transport does he use?

  • Why do you think Shaun commutes this way?

Rights: Crown Copyright 2020, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Nature of science and technology

Scientific and technological developments are influenced by societal needs. Both sectors are working on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, scientists are working to cut methane emissions by breeding sheep that burp less. They are also working to improve battery capabilities for electric transportation alternatives.

Related content

Find out how scientists measure greenhouse gas emissions.

Electric transport is one way of cutting emissions. Learn more about the carbon footprint of electric compared to petrol-powered cars.

Electric cars have been around a lot longer than you may think. Have a look at the Electric car history timeline and a Participatory Science Platform (PSP) project in Taranaki called REV it UP, where students are building an electric vehicle.

Driving us into the future is an article on electric cars in Connected 2016, Level 4, which comes with additional teacher support material.

Find out how the primary sector is collaborating to reduce climate change.

Useful links

The Ministry for the Environment has information on initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions:

The New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre aims to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions.


This resource has been produced with the support of the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. (c) Crown Copyright.

Logos of the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ.

Our atmosphere and climate 2020

The Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ produce New Zealand’s Environmental Reporting Series. Our atmosphere and climate 2020 focuses on climate change, with an overview of what is happening to our climate and how this affects many of the things we care about.

Rights: Crown copyright

Published:15 October 2020