
New Zealand’s endemic dolphins

Dolphins are often seen around the coast of Aotearoa New Zealand, but only two species – Hector’s and Māui – are endemic.

Hector’s dolphin mid leap our of sea.

Hector’s dolphin

Hector’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) was named after Sir James Hector (1834–1907), founder of the Colonial Museum in Wellington, now the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

Rights: Gregory “Slobirdr” Smith, CC BY 2.0

Similarities and differences

It is very difficult to distinguish these two species. In 2002, Māui dolphins were declared a separate subspecies of Hector’s dolphins due to their significant genetic and skeletal measurements. Māui dolphins have larger skulls than Hector’s dolphins and a longer wider rostrum, and they are often slightly smaller.

Both species have a unique feature – a rounded black dorsal fin instead of the more common curved and pointed fin that other dolphin species have around New Zealand's coast. Hector’s and Māui dolphins are revered as a taonga to Māori and are known by a variety of names including tutumairekurai, papakanua, upokohue, tukuperu, tūpoupou, pahu, pōpoto and hopuhopu.

Dolphins, like bats, use echolocation to provide a detailed image of their surroundings for navigation and hunting. Hector’s and Māui species communicate through short ultra-high-frequency clicks (generally too high for human hearing) and other methods, such as touching, visual clues, slapping their tail on the water or leaping into the air.

Hector’s dolphins are found almost exclusively around the coast of the South Island, but Māui dolphins are only found on the upper west coast of the North Island and there are far fewer of them.

Map showing location of Hector’s and Māui dolphins in NZ.

Hector’s and Māui dolphin map

The left-hand map shows the location of Māui dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) and also the set net ban area in the North Island. The right-hand map shows the areas around the South Island where Hector’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) could be found in 2012.

Rights: Public domain

Māui dolphins are in a perilous position. With a critically small population size, urgent intervention is needed to ensure their survival.


40–60 kg

though potentially as old as 30

though potentially as old as 30

Māui dolphins

New Zealand’s endemic cetacean the Māui dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) is the smallest and rarest dolphin in the world, classified in New Zealand as nationally critical. Department of Conservation 2016 data estimated that there are only 63 Māui dolphins over 1 year old remaining.

Māui dolphin swimming in the sea.

Māui dolphin

Māui dolphins are not only the smallest dolphin in the world but also the species that is closest to extinction.

Rights: vivtony00, CC BY 2.0

Māui dolphins do not start breeding until they are at least 6 years old and may only produce one calf every 2–3 years. This means that the best possible population growth rate is only about 2% a year. Both the Māui and Hector’s dolphins are not long lived, with a typical lifespan of only 20 years.


As a coastal species, our endemic dolphin species face a number of threats.


They are exposed to pathogens like Toxoplasma gondii and Brucella (which causes brucellosis). The Toxoplasma gondii parasite only reproduces sexually in cats (the definitive host), producing oocysts (eggs) that are released into the environment via cat faeces. The oocysts then end up in waterways that transport them out to sea. These pathogens have originated from land-based use, farmland run-off, pollution and sewage overflows from land and shipping. There has been evidence that T. gondii and Brucella pathogens have resulted in dolphin deaths and compromised dolphin health and breeding ability.

Human impacts

Other threats from humans in coastal areas include increased risk from fishing (particularly the use of gillnets), other diseases, oil and gas exploration, boat strike, seabed mining, coastal development, tourism and noise .

With such a small population of Māui dolphins, any threat is of serious concern.

Dead Hector’s dolphin tangled in netting on a beach.

Hector’s dolphin tangled in netting

Hector’s and Māui dolphins face serious threats from human marine activities, such as set netting and drift netting. They can become ensnared in the netting and drown. New fishing protection measures put in place in 2020 to protect both sub-species have helped reduce the risk, particularly for Māui dolphins.

Rights: Department of Conservation, CC BY 4.0

Gathering data 

Gathering population data of ocean species has many challenges. Researchers use a range of tools to help track population data over time. Tissue sampling allows researchers to identify individuals as well as the sex ratio and any pregnant females and to estimate the age structure of the population. Gathering small tissue samples has had no adverse effects on the dolphins sampled.

As the pigmented layer of their skin is quite thin, it can be easily damaged – sometimes leaving identifying scars. When up close, researchers can identify some individual dolphins using nicks in their dorsal fins, body scars (such as scars from shark attacks that they have escaped from) and/or skin colouration, though this only accounts for about 25% of identifications. Sometimes, the scars are from fishing equipment.

In an effort to gather crucial data to help prevent Māui dolphins from becoming extinct, a large fixed-wing drone has been developed to collect digital imagery and using artificial intelligence machine learning, to identify both Māui and Hector’s dolphins and autonomously detect animals in real time. This will allow researchers to conduct aerial surveys of dolphin populations or find and follow animals or pods to understand aspects of their behaviour. Read more about this ambitious project in this Stuff news article. At the start of 2023 this project received approval from the Civil Aviation Authority to use the drones beyond the visual line of sight, read more about this in this RNZ news story.

MĀUI63 tracking drone

MĀUI63 has developed an artificial intelligence-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to find, follow and provide information to protect the last remaining Māui dolphins.

MAUI is short for Marine Animal Unmanned Identification, and 63 represents the count of Māui dolphins when it started. MĀUI63 is made up of a small group of scientists, developers and technology experts – all dedicated to protecting marine life with the latest technologies. The project partners with a number of government and non-government organisations and commercial fisheries.

In this video, marine mammal expert and Project Lead Associate Professor Rochelle Constantine (co-founder, MĀUI63), Tane van der Boon (co-founder, MĀUI63), Livia Esterhazy (CEO, WWF-New Zealand), Clement Chia (Chief Operating Officer, Sanford), Ray Smith (Director General, MPI) and Steve Tarrant (CEO, Moana New Zealand) discuss the collaborative project. 

Rights: MĀUI63

NIWA deployed acoustic moorings in 2017 in the core of the Māui dolphin’s habitat to try and discover how far offshore the dolphins are distributed and whether this changes seasonally. Each mooring carried two acoustic devices. A cetacean and porpoise detector (CPOD) recorded detections of the high-frequency clicks that the dolphins produce to hunt prey and navigate. The second device, a Soundtrap, recorded a subset of both clicks and whistles. This work was part of a joint Department of Conservation and Ministry for Primary Industries operation and the analysis was undertaken by the University of Auckland.

In addition to these data-gathering tools, the Department of Conservation asks for any dolphin sightings to be reported to them.

Pod of bottlenose dolphins swimming in sea.

Bottlenose dolphins

Dolphins are adapted to living in water. They have a streamlined shape and fins instead of legs. They also have blowholes on the tops of their heads.

Rights: Stephen Wing, University of Otago

Other dolphin species

There are 15 other species of dolphins recorded around the New Zealand coast, the most commonly seen are: bottlenose, dusky, common, pilot whales and orca (commonly known as killer whales). Despite being called ‘whales’, killer whales and pilot whales are actually large members of the dolphin family. Find out more about whales around Antarctica, some of which visit New Zealand.

Two Orcas jumping out of ocean.

Orcas jumping

Orcas hunt in packs called pods (usually made up of family members), and they are efficient predators that share their kill among the group.

Rights: National Oceanography and Atmospheric Administration (US) Public domain – US Government

It always brings joy to see any species of dolphin frolicking in the sea, but always remember to stay a respectful distance from them. A final thought on dolphins from Albert Einstein.

There’s no question dolphins are smarter than humans as they play more.

Albert Einstein

Related content

Explore the impact humans have had on the marine environment in this article.

Useful links

The Department of has more information on dolphins in New Zealand, including how to report dolphin sightings and the conservation work being undertaken to ensure their survival.

Discover more about the threat management plan, closed fishing areas, monitoring and other protection efforts on the Ministry for Primary Industries website.

Analysis of historical records reveals that Hector’s and Māui dolphins were once ‘abundant’.

Find out more about Māui dolphin population threats:

Check out the range of resources, video, activities and more under the dolphins topic on the Young Ocean Explorers website.

Read the 2011 National Geographic story Deep trouble about Hector’s and Māui dolphins and the research being undertaken on them.

You can support the conservation of these dolphins via local groups such as the NZ Whale & Dolphin Trust.

Find out more about the MAUI63 project.

Published:15 April 2021