
Using He reo nō te puehu

He reo nō te puehu – A voice from the dust is a 360-degree browser-based virtual reality experience in which users can visit Lake Moawhitu at different points in time: Pre Human, Māori Settlement, Present Day and Future 2122.

A screenshot of the homepage showing the four virtual worlds.

Experiencing Lake Moawhitu through time

Ngāti Koata Trust and Lakes380 teamed up to create a virtual experience of Lake Moawhitu to show how it has changed over the last 1,000 years and what it could look like 100 years from now.

Rights: He Reo Nō Te Puehu, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Each virtual world contains videos, pop-ups with images and facts and immersive experiences in the roto (lake) and on the whenua (land).

He reo nō te puehu – A voice from the dust is a collaborative project between Ngāti Koata Trust, the Department of Conservation and Lakes380 using both mātauranga and scientific data. The virtual worlds illustrate how much the lake and catchment have changed and inspire hope through the restoration and reconnection of whānau to the whenua. Learn more about this initiative in the article He reo nō te puehu – A voice from the dust.

Although this project uses Lake Moawhitu as the specific context for exploration, the central issues explored in the virtual world – the degradation of a valued mahinga kai site and the aspirations for restoration – will be common for many roto in Aotearoa.

This activity helps users navigate and deepen engagement with He reo nō te puehu. It includes questions to promote understanding of how evidence gained from sediment cores combines with local mātauranga to create a robust picture of the past. It also provides opportunities for students to use multiple science capabilities.

This activity provides opportunities to develop local curriculum and support mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori.

In this activity, students use a 360-degree browser-based virtual reality experience to explore changes to Lake Moawhitu through time while building an understanding of the mātauranga and scientific evidence that underpin the virtual experiences.

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

  • navigate the virtual worlds within He reo nō te puehu

  • use media and text to explore how human impacts can change lakes within a short time period

  • discuss/consider how mātauranga and science knowledge are used as evidence of the changes

  • discuss/consider how the evidence is used to engage and inform people.

Download the Word file (see link below).

Published:13 March 2023