He rauemi reo Māori mō ngā rākau – Te reo Māori plant resources
Kia whai mātauranga tātou mō ō tātou rākau mā te reo Māori.
Learn about our trees in te reo Māori!
In this recorded professional learning session, join Greta Dromgool and Manaaki Whenua researcher Dr Norm Mason as we share and discuss bilingual resources created through the collaboration of students, educators, botanists and te reo Māori experts.
Awesome mahi, thanks for all the rauemi.
In 2022 Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha worked with botanist Norm Mason to learn to describe native tree species and to communicate this information to their peers and whānau. From this work a suite of articles was developed to support kaiako and akonga to learn about rākau trees.
The articles present the fundamentals of plant biology in a way that is accessible to anyone who may have limited prior knowledge of botany. These resources are extensively illustrated with images and bilingual diagrams, including the stunning botanical illustrations of the late Audrey Eagle.
The key science concepts covered in the articles include:
pollination and seed dispersal
seeds and germination
leaf structure and photosynthesis
classification and identification.
This session will be valuable for both primary and secondary school educators.
He rauemi reo Māori mō ngā rākau – Te reo Māori plant resources
This is an edited recording of the webinar He rauemi reo Māori mō ngā rākau – Te reo Māori plant resources.
Amazing resources! I'll be sharing these links widely.
He rauemi reo Māori mō ngā rākau – Te reo Māori plant resources – slideshow
This slideshow, from the webinar He rauemi reo Māori mō ngā rākau – Te reo Māori plant resources, provides additional support for the video tutorial.
Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here for the download option.
You can download the video and slideshow presentation.
Topic | Slideshow number(s) | Video timecodes |
Welcome | 1 | 00:00 |
Index | 2 | 00:27 |
Introducing Dr Norm Mason | 3–4 | 00:41 |
Purpose | 5 | 04:33 |
Acknowledgements | 6 | 05:20 |
Rongoā collection | 7–8 | 07:04 |
Ngā rākau ❘ Trees | 9–10 | 08:13 |
He aha hoki tērā rākau? ❘ What kind of tree is that? | 11–12 | 11:12 |
He pūnaha whakarōpū ❘ Classifying and identifying plants | 13–18 | 19:20 |
Te haenga me te ruinga o te kākano ❘ Pollination and seed dispersal | 19–21 | 27:48 |
Ngā kākano ❘ Seeds | 22–25 | 30:28 |
Ngā rau o te rākau ❘ Tree leaves | 26–32 | 35:14 |
SLH links, keep in touch and thanks | 33 | 39:13 |
He kōrero kōpūtahi ❘ Related content
Ngā rākau ❘ Trees – article
Plants – topic
Our native trees – PLD webinar
The uniqueness of New Zealand plants – article
Exploring kōwhai mātauranga in the classroom is a first-hand account of a week-long inquiry of kōwhai trees, complete with kaiako-generated resources. You can learn about how kaiako Chloe Stantiall planned and taught this unit in our recorded webinar Exploring mātauranga in the classroom.
Ngā hono ❘ Useful links
Flora Finder – Department of Botany, University of Otago, Te Tari Huaota te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
Experiencing native trees in your green space – Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha – video featuring the field trip with the kura
Paekupu – online glossary (Māori to English or English to Māori) for science and other learning areas
He whakamihi
Tēnei te mihi nui ki a Mokoro Gillett (Tumuaki o Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha) rāua ko Norman Mason (Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research). Tēnā kōrua.