Earthquakes past and future
In this activity, students use data on historical earthquakes to identify when and where they occurred and make predictions about future earthquakes.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
use data to plot a timeline of large earthquakes that have happened in New Zealand over the last 170 years
look for patterns in earthquake events but learn that it is not possible to predict when an earthquake will occur
plot the locations of historic earthquakes (using latitude and longitude) and relate them to the positions of known geological faults
calculate averages and estimate tenths.

Wellington fault lines
Wellington is located on six active faults. This shows the fault that runs through the centre of Wellington Harbour and the Hutt Valley.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
what you need
what to do
student handout: Looking for patterns
earthquakes in New Zealand over the last 170 years
earthquake timeline
plotting earthquakes using longitude and latitude co-ordinates
outline map of New Zealand
main active faults in New Zealand.