
Animal cells and their shapes

Cells are the building blocks of life – all living organisms are made up of them. Textbooks often show a single ‘typical’ example of a plant cell or an animal cell, but in reality, the shapes of cells can vary widely. Animal cells in particular come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Plant cell shapes tend to be quite similar to each other because of their rigid cell wall

We can learn a lot about what a cell does by looking at its shape and size, and microscopes are the ideal tool for this.

Shaped for the task

Cells have different shapes because they do different things. Each cell type has its own role to play in helping our bodies to work properly, and their shapes help them carry out these roles effectively. The following cell types all have unusual shapes that are important for their function.

Diagram of various cells with distinctive shapes.

Cells with distinctive shapes

Animal cells come in many different shapes and sizes. The shapes of cells have evolved to help them carry out their specific function in the body, so looking at a cell’s shape can give clues about what it does.

Rights: University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

Neurons are cells in the brain and nervous system. Their job is to carry electrical messages all the way from the brain to the rest of the body and back (almost like electrical wire), so they are very long, thin cells. They also need to connect with other neurons to form communication networks, so they have many long branches. Learn more about neurons and making connections in the brain.

Photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) are cells in the eye that detect light. They’re actually a very specialised form of neuron. Photoreceptors need to collect light as efficiently as possible, so they have a specialised protrusion from the cell (called the outer segment) that is full of the molecules that absorb light. Rods, which are especially good at detecting light, have a bigger protrusion. The outer segment is now known to be a highly modified kind of primary cilium, a recently discovered organelle.

Immune cells are cells that respond when the body is infected (by a bacterium, for instance). To do their job, they need to be able to change shape. For instance, lymphocytes may need to move through body tissue to get to the site of infection, so they change their shape to squeeze past tightly packed tissue cells. Some immune cells (such as neutrophils) engulf bacteria and viruses, so they need to change their shape to ‘swallow’ them. You can learn more about the different kinds of immune cells in this article that curates our resources on fighting infection.

How does a cell decide what to be?

Cells decide what they will become in the embryo. Associate Professor Peter Dearden, from the University of Otago, is interested how our genes control this process.

Rights: The University of Waikato

Microscopes on cells

Virtually all our understanding of cell shape comes from years of accumulated microscope experiments. There is no other tool that lets us look at cell shape directly. Using light microscopy, scientists have been able to view living cells to see how their shapes change over time. They have also been able to view cellular processes that involve shape changes such as mitosis.

Because of the design of electron microscopes, living cells can’t survive in the harsh conditions inside the microscope and therefore can’t be viewed directly. However, electron microscopes can give high-resolution information about the shape of individual cells that have been prepared for viewing, including small areas of the cell that have specific shapes, such as the primary cilium and microvilli.

Cells in 3D

Cells are three-dimensional objects with complex shapes, but the images generated from most microscopes are two-dimensional. This has made it difficult to understand the overall shape of cells and how they interact with one another. Now, though, several microscopic techniques make it possible to make three-dimensional models of cells or parts of cells. This is done by collecting multiple two-dimensional images digitally, then combining them using computer programs.

Confocal laser scanning microscopy of dendrite of a GnRH neuron

Viewing neurons in 3D

Confocal laser scanning microscopy makes it possible to reconstruct 3D models of entire cells. The image shows the dendrite of a GnRH neuron (yellow) passing between the dendrites of other neurons (green).

Rights: GnRH neuron courtesy of Rebecca Campbell

Dr Rebecca Campbell and Associate Professor Tony Poole are two scientists at the University of Otago who use microscope images to make three-dimensional models of the cells they study. Rebecca uses multiple images from the confocal laser scanning microscope to build up 3D views of whole neurons, and Tony has been building a 3D model of the primary cilium. There are links in the Related content box below to their work.

Nature of science

Scientific experiments often reveal unexpected information that can lead to new hypotheses and theories. Scientists in the 1600s were surprised to see tiny ‘building blocks’ when they looked at tissue under optical microscopes. Their observations eventually led to the development of cell theory – the idea that the cell is the basic unit of life.

Related content

Dr Rebecca Campbell is studying a small group of brain cells (GnRH neurons) that control fertility. Learn about her remarkable discoveries about how these cells interconnect – all done using microscopes of course!

In the article A closer look at the cell’s antenna, see how Associate Professor Tony Poole is using microscopes to build a 3D computer model of the primary cilium.

Electron microscopes are very powerful tools for visualising biological samples in great detail. Preparing samples for the electron microscope outlines the complex steps required to prepare samples to withstand the environment inside an electron microscope.

The microscopic scale is the range of sizes that can be detected using microscopes. It spans seven orders of magnitude (from a millimetre to one ten-millionth of a millimetre).

Cell organellesare structures that have specific functions in the cell. They have only been studied in detail since the invention of the transmission electron microscope.

Activity idea

In Modelling animal cells in 3D, students make 3D models of specialised animal cells, imitating what can be seen under high-resolution microscopes.

Useful link

Watch this short video to see an immune cell (a neutrophil) changing its shape as it follows a bacterium through the blood and eventually engulfs it.

Published:29 February 2012