
Navigating with Sun, Moon and planets

Knowledge about the apparent movement of the Sun, Moon and planets across the celestial sphere is important for wayfinding. You can estimate position and direction by observing, for example, where the Sun is rising and setting according to the star compass.

Sun’s ecliptic path and the 12 zodiac constellations.

Sun’s ecliptic path

The path that the Sun traces out on the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic, and the 12 constellations that the Sun goes through are the zodiac.

Rights: Copyright, 2000, 2001, Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong

The Sun’s path changes through the year

Over the course of a year, the path of the Sun appears to move on the celestial sphere against the background of the fixed stars. Actually it’s the Earth orbiting around the Sun rather than the Sun changing position, but the Sun appears to make a curving path that passes through 12 constellations (collectively called the zodiac). The path it seems to follow is called the ecliptic.

From March to September, the Sun’s path appears to be north of the celestial equator. From September to March, it appears to be south of the celestial equator. The Sun crosses the celestial equator at spring and autumn.

The Sun’s rising and setting points change through the year

Because the position of the Sun in relation to the celestial equator changes over the year, so do its rising and setting points on the horizon. At the spring and autumn equinoxes, the Sun rises due east and sets due west.

At summer solstice – when the tilt of the Earth (23.5°) is most inclined towards the Sun – the Sun in the southern hemisphere rises at ESE (Kāinga Marangai on the star compass) and sets at WSW (Kāinga Whakarunga). In the northern hemisphere, it rises at ENE (Kāinga Tokerau) and sets at WNW (Kāinga Whakararo). This occurs between December 20–23 in the southern hemisphere and June 20–21 in the northern hemisphere. This is when the Sun is at its highest position in the sky.

Diagram of the Sun rising in southern hemisphere throughout year

Sun rising in the southern hemisphere

The Sun’s rising and setting points change throughout the year. In the spring and autumn equinoxes, the Sun rises due east and sets due west. At summer solstice, the Sun rises at ESE and sets at WSW and at winter solstice, it rises at ENE and sets at WNW.

Rights: University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.

At winter solstice, the Sun appears to have moved to the opposite side of the celestial equator, with the Earth’s tilt now away from the Sun. In the southern hemisphere, the Sun rises at ENE (Kāinga Tokerau) and sets at WNW (Kāinga Whakararo). In the northern hemisphere, it rises at ESE (Kāinga Marangai) and sets at WSW (Kāinga Whakarunga).

Observing the Sun

Observation of the Sun is done at sunrise and sunset. When the Sun is low on the horizon, its path is narrow and obvious, but as it rises, it gets wider and wider. When it’s too high, you can’t tell where it has risen from and have to use other clues for navigation, such as the shape and direction of the waves.

Phases of the Moon

As the Moon orbits the Earth, its position changes on the celestial sphere just as the Sun’s does. The Moon appears to travel a path similar to the Sun’s through the zodiac constellations but takes only 29.5 days to complete. Its position varies up to 5° on either side of the ecliptic. The amount of light you see (waxing and waning) on the Moon’s surface depends on where the Moon is in relationship to the Sun and to you:

Images of the moon showing phases from the Southern Hemisphere.

Moon phases from the Southern Hemisphere

The phases of the moon relate to the amount of light you see (waxing and waning) on the Moon’s surface as it orbits the Earth. This image shows the moon phases – from the new Moon (Whiro) to the full Moon (Te Rākaunui) – from the Southern Hemisphere.

This image is not to scale.

Moon, sun and Earth images courtesy of NASA.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
  • When the Moon is on the same side of the sky as the Sun – between you and the Sun – you see the unlit side of the Moon and it appears dark (new Moon).

  • When the Moon moves away from the Sun, it gradually gains light (moving through the first quarter).

  • When the moon is on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun and you are in between, the Moon appears fully lit by the Sun (full Moon).

  • When the Moon moves closer to the Sun again, it begins to lose its apparent fullness (moving through the third quarter).

Navigating with the Moon

The Moon rises about 48 minutes later each night at a different position on the eastern horizon from where it rose the night before. Its rising point moves back and forth between Kāinga Tokerau (ENE) and Kāinga Marangai (ESE) on the star compass. Its setting point moves back and forth between Kāinga Whakararo (WNW) and Kāinga Whakarunga (WSW).

The Earth and the Moon orbiting the Sun – as seen in space.

Moon, Earth and Sun

The Earth and the Moon orbiting the Sun – as seen in space. From the Earth, the Sun appears to make a curving path that passes through the zodiac constellations.

Rights: Public domain

Determining the Moon’s rising and setting points along with the rising and setting points of the fixed stars allows the Moon to be used to give direction during the night. The line separating light and dark in the Moon points approximately north and south since the Moon is positioned east or west of the Sun as it arcs through the night sky.

The planets

The planets (initially known as wandering stars) appear to move among the fixed stars – at too fast a pace to be really useful in navigation. Also, they don’t follow consistent orbits, so they aren’t reliable for finding direction. However, they can be helpful in holding a direction because we know they rise broadly in the east and set broadly in the west and are easy to recognise. Venus is particularly bright and recognisable.

The Māori names for the visible planets are:

  • Mercury – Whiro

  • Venus – Kōpū – also known as Meremere-tū-ahiahi (evening star) and Tawera-i-te-atatū (morning star)

  • Mars – Matawhero

  • Saturn – Pareārau

  • Jupiter – Rangawhenua.

Useful links

For a variety of multimedia resources head to the Mātauranga website for their series, Land of Voyagers.

This website provides further information on the celestial sphere and the movement of the stars, Sun and planets and Hawaiian Voyaging traditions.

Published:13 November 2014