
Navigating by the stars

In this activity, students learn the cardinal points of the compass. They also learn how to use the Sun and star constellations – the Southern Cross and the Pointers – to identify the cardinal compass points.

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

  • recall the cardinal compass points

  • explain how the compass points relate to the South and North Poles

  • use the rising or setting Sun to determine east and west (and therefore north and south)

  • locate the Southern Cross

  • use the Southern Cross and the Pointers to locate the Southern Celestial Pole (SCP)

  • use the Southern Cross to determine compass points and therefore direction.

Download the Word file (see link below) for:

  • introduction/background notes

  • what you need

  • what to do

  • student handout.

Related content

Astronomical techniques involve knowledge of the night sky and are useful for wayfinding. Find out more in these articles:

Activity ideas

Try these related activities:

  • How’s your memory? involves the memorisation of the star compass components – just like the real navigators.

  • Compass treasure hunt uses knowledge of the Sun and Moon to make compass directions and uses these directions in a treasure hunt.

Useful link

The Youth Group Games site has lots of instructions for games for groups, including Port and starboard (aka:Hit the deck) – useful to teach boat positions.

Published:13 November 2014