Observing soil differences
In this activity, students gather soil samples from their homes to view how soils differ from location to location.
By the end of this activity, students should be able to:
observe similarities and differences among soil samples
offer simple explanations about why the soil samples are different
use online resources to view soil profiles and a New Zealand soil map.

Soil jars
Collect some soil samples from range of different locations and observe the differences.
Download the Word file (see link below) for:
introduction/background notes
what you need
what to do
student handout.
Nature of Science
Science knowledge is based on and derived from observations of the world around us. Observation can be as simple as using our eyes to view soil samples. Soil scientists use instruments to accurately identify and measure soil differences.
Related content
Before you start this activity, read the articles What is in soil? and Soils are all different either with the class or for your own background knowledge.
Find out more about soil naming systems in the article Soil names.
Soils are not uniform – they vary from region to region and often from paddock to paddock! Learn more about soil properties and the land uses for which they are best suited.