Professor Denis Sullivan studies white dwarfs – small and dense stars that are cooling down after being red giants. Our Sun, and most other stars, will...
As the Earth’s axial rotation spins our planet towards the light of the Sun, we see the Sun appear in the east. Due to the Earth’s...
At this stage of our Sun’s life cycle, hydrogen atoms are fused to form helium atoms. This nuclear reaction produces very large amounts of energy. null...
In this video, Associate Professor Bob Lloyd states that it is nuclear fusion that fuels the Sun. He then goes on to explain in simple terms...
In 2018, NASA launched a thrilling mission unlike any other to date. From Cape Canaveral, the Parker Solar Probe was scheduled to launch within a small...
This model demonstrates how the rotation of the Earth affects our view of the Sun. null
This diagram shows how our Sun will turn into a red giant, then collapse to become a white dwarf and eventually a black dwarf. null
In this activity, students use scientific models and exploration to observe the position of the Sun and its physical effect on light and shadows. The activities...
The Sun is low on the horizon so the penguin’s shadow is long. An object is always between a light source and the surface on which...
The Sun’s rising and setting points change throughout the year. In the spring and autumn equinoxes, the Sun rises due east and sets due west. At...
Like the Sun, stars rise in the eastern horizon and set in the western horizon. Navigators who know the direction and position in which the stars...
The path that the Sun traces out on the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic, and the 12 constellations that the Sun goes through are the...
As Comet 67P approaches the Sun, the solar heat causes the gaseous ice to evaporate. This gas streams away, carrying along large amounts of dust, and...
When children draw pictures of the Sun, they often show rays radiating outwards – similar to the image below. These light rays travel in a straight...
Knowledge about the apparent movement of the Sun, Moon and planets across the celestial sphere is important for wayfinding. You can estimate position and direction by...
Students can use their knowledge of the Sun and Moon to make compass directions and then use these directions to participate in a treasure hunt. null...
The Earth and the Moon orbiting the Sun – as seen in space. From the Earth, the Sun appears to make a curving path that passes...
In this activity, students use their knowledge of the Sun and Moon to make compass directions and then use these directions to participate in a treasure...
The SOHO satellite (Solar Heliospheric Observatory) captured these images of the Sun spitting out a coronal mass ejection (CME) on 15 March 2013. This type of...
Each day, we consciously experience atmospheric weather, driven by radiation from the Sun. In addition, we are mostly unknowingly subjected to space weather driven primarily by...
In a total solar eclipse, the Moon’s disc appears to cover the Sun, creating night-time conditions. The red colour at the edge is a gaseous solar...
Navigator Bruce Blankenfield using his hand to measure the altitude of the Sun aboard Hōkūle’a null
Tycho Brahe rejected the Copernican model. He proposed a model with the Sun revolving around the Earth and the planets orbiting the Sun. null
Ptolemy’s model (geocentric) places the Earth at the centre of the Universe. The Sun and planets revolve in a series of circular orbits moving out from...
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