Sight is one of our senses – it helps us to be aware of our surroundings. The eye contains structures that allow it to perceive light,...
Florence Nightingale, who was born 200 years ago, is rightly famed for revolutionising nursing. Her approach to caring for wounded soldiers and training nurses in the...
There are many different viruses. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in birds and mammals. They are all similar in their shape, and...
Unhealthy diets cause multiple physical and mental health problems. To help consumers make healthier choices, Australia and New Zealand introduced the voluntary Health Star Rating (HSR)...
The New Zealand Ministry of Health defines water fluoridation as: "The process of adjusting the natural level of fluoride in the water supply to between 0.7...
In June 2013, Hamilton’s city councillors voted to stop adding fluoride, used to protect teeth from tooth decay, to Hamilton’s drinking water. National public reaction and...
Fighting acne? Would you consider rubbing a milk product on your face? Epiology Skincare is a solution that uses a combination of natural milk proteins and...
Microbes – friend or foe? Some microbes are essential to life, while others cause sickness in plants and animals, including humans. For decades, we have kept...
Acne is a common disease that affects many people at some time during their lives. Acne explained Acne is caused by overactive sebaceous (oil) glands at...
Manurewa High School’s Health Science Academy took Achievement Standard 90926 Report on a biological issue to a whole new level. Instead of the usual research, discuss...
Here are some interesting facts about forensics and DNA: New Zealand was the second country in the world to establish a databank of DNA profiles. Find...
Below are some interesting facts about your body. Identical twins have identical DNA profiles, because they develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two....
In this video conference, find out how bacteria are being used to fight sore throats. Join 'Supervader' and participants from Wellington’s 2006 Kids’ Conference as they...
This resource provides explanations of the key concepts encountered when exploring getting the sporting edge, applying science to improve sporting performance. Sports science helps athletes gain...
Food’s macronutrients undergo chemical breakdown as they move through the digestive system. Learn more about the digestion process and its hormonal control with these explanations of...
What makes you, you and me, me? Genes or environment? How we look and act is the result of the interaction of our genes with our...
As New Zealanders looking to the future, we are faced with many opportunities – and challenges. These include improving the health of all our people, advancing...
Citizen science and the local community Rongomai Primary School is leading a Healthy Homes, Healthy Futures project. The project is part of the Participatory Science Platform...
Our homes are supposed to be our safe places, but for nearly a third of New Zealanders, damp homes can have a serious effect on our...
Muriel Bell became a public figure, during and after the Second World War, by trying to improve the health of New Zealanders through good nutrition. Her...
Medical researchers from the UK, the US and Canada have developed a new tool that identifies mutating genes to detect the early stages of oesophageal cancer....
In 2014, the World Health Organization announced the results of its first global report on antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance. They say that antibiotic resistance is...
An international team of researchers has identified the specific gene fault that causes a type of early-onset melanoma that accounts for about 3% of the cases...
Among the statistics frequently taken in any sport are goal-scoring stats. Whether goal kicking in rugby or shooting a goal in netball, goal-scoring players are given...
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