Pepeke is an animal grouping within te ao Māori. This group name equates to the insect world and calls to whakapapa in the concept of aitanga...
Dr Leilani Walker has research interests in animal behaviour and the relationships of New Zealanders with native flora and fauna. This scientist profile is one of...
Aotearoa New Zealand is rich in animal life – from tiny pepeketua and giant wētāpunga to ngā manu a Tānemahuta and ngā ika a Tangaroa. Some...
Join Greta Dromgool and guest Giselle Clarkson in this recorded professional learning session which introduces the practice of observology. Giselle Clarkson is a New Zealand author...
This New Zealand-based citizen science project collects data about butterflies in our gardens, schools, parks and farms – any location in the country or on the...
Discover more about the red admiral butterfly, winner of the 2024 Bug of the Year, and how we can help the butterflies of Aotearoa New Zealand....
Citizen scientists of Aotearoa, can you help track New Zealand’s native and introduced waeroa (mosquito) species to help get a better understanding of which species live...
This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative Commons licence CC BY-ND 4.0 and is written by Dr Angela (Ang) McGaughran, Senior Lecturer in...
Exciting news for all fans of lizards (mokomoko) a new species has just been rediscovered. This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative Commons...
The New Zealand cockle, also known as tuaki or tuangi, is endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand’s coastal areas. They are filter feeders and are well adapted...
Be part of a worldwide movement and use Global Earth Challenge to submit or classify photos to help our planet’s environment and human health. Global Earth...
In 2019, students from three Dunedin primary schools teamed up with University Otago scientist Dr Cynthia Winkworth to complete two goals: to discover which invertebrates were...
Wetland habitats are diverse places. They support an enormous range of animals from microscopic communities to some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest birds. Zooplankton – the...
Kōura (freshwater crayfish, Paranephrops planifrons, P. zealandicus) are one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s original inhabitants. They have an ancient lineage that diverged from their Australian relatives...
In this webinar, join Greta Dromgool as she introduces Tom Saunders and Chrissie Painting – two of Aotearoa New Zealand’s amazing entomologists. Delve into the fascinating...
Insect vision is quite different to human vision, but insects do see colours, and they use their colour vision to get around and find food. We...
Pitfall traps are simply containers dug into the ground so the top of the container is level with the ground. Sometimes a small roof can be...
In Spring 2020 Countdown developed a fantastic collection of insect cards and an album full of amazing facts and activities all about insects found in Aotearoa...
In this Connected article scientist Hannah Rainforth investigates kākahi, Aotearoa New Zealand’s threatened freshwater mussels in the Whanganui River, to find whether the evidence supports claims...
Poetry with Fred the Thread – upper primary is a ready-to-use cross-curricular teaching resource. It uses a humorous poem read by author and scientist Dr Robert...
If you enjoy Dr Seuss, you will enjoy Dr Hoare! Poetry with Fred the Thread – middle primary is a ready-to-use cross-curricular teaching resource. It uses...
Science is all around us. Take advantage of science learning for early primary students with the following resources. They require very little equipment – most of...
Kākahi may not be the most well known of our native species, but they are critical to the health of our waterways. In this story, we'll...
We usually think of insects as being animals of the land, but did you know that many insects spend part of their lives in water? Some...
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