Aotearoa New Zealand is rich in animal life – from tiny pepeketua and giant wētāpunga to ngā manu a Tānemahuta and ngā ika a Tangaroa. Some...
Astronomer, Dr Sara Webb is fascinated about viewing distant galaxies. She is a galaxy hunter and explores the universe through the eyes of many different telescopes...
Join Karen Parker from Tahuna Normal Intermediate School and Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub in a session which will introduce you to Vision 20/20,...
The human eye contains structures that allow it to perceive light, movement and colour differences. In this activity, students use online or paper resources to identity...
Our eyes – our vision null
Sight is one of our senses – it helps us to be aware of our surroundings. The eye contains structures that allow it to perceive light,...
Take advantage of children’s natural curiosity with the following resources. They require very little equipment – most of it should be in your kitchen or garden....
Science is all around us. Take advantage of science learning for early primary students with the following resources. They require very little equipment – most of...
Young children are natural scientists. They spend their days making sense of the world around them using their senses to observe. There are lots of ways...
This article explores light pollution and practical ways to minimise it. Readers are introduced to key science ideas including the Bortle scale (a way to measure...
Several basic science concepts are needed to understand shadows. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts (BSC) series presents sets of interlinking concepts that...
In this set of investigations, students explore objects made from materials that are transparent, translucent and opaque and the effect this has on their shadows. The...
Visible light is the small part within the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes are sensitive to and can detect. Visible light waves consist of different wavelengths....
Polarised sunglasses look like regular sunglasses, but they are able to filter out the glare from automobile windscreens and the surface of water. The glasses you...
Children naturally and instinctively develop their own ideas about how things work. These self-developed concepts make sense to the individual but may be scientifically inaccurate. It...
In this activity, students use scientific models and exploration to observe the position of the Sun and its physical effect on light and shadows. The activities...
In this set of activities, students are introduced to basic Physical World concepts about light through the use of play and exploration. Students also have the...
When children draw pictures of the Sun, they often show rays radiating outwards – similar to the image below. These light rays travel in a straight...
Loss of the Night is an international citizen science project aiming to quantify the illumination of the night sky caused by artificial light. By monitoring how...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and Ted Cizadlo will build your confidence to teach about the Physical World. The New Zealand Curriculum achievement...
In this activity, students use a sheet of acetate to make a transparent, four-sided pyramid. The pyramid’s sides act as four mirrors, situated at 45° angles...
Help astronomers at Las Cumbres Observatory, California, study exoplanets – planets that orbit stars other than our Sun. Do this by interpreting images taken by their...
Globe at Night is an international citizen science campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen scientists to measure and...
Search data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft for the dips in star light intensity caused by exoplanets – planets that orbit stars other than the Sun. As...
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