Māori and their ancestors are island people – the moana is central to their spiritual and physical realms. For hundreds of years, Māori relied on Tangaroa...
Plastic and microplastic pollution of oceans is a wicked problem. Using bioinformatics and statistical analysis, scientist Victor Gambarini looked to correlate marine microbes that could degrade...
Did you know that 80% of marine litter globally starts life on land? Mizuiku Upstream Battle is a citizen science programme run by Keep New Zealand...
What are the irreversible changes we could be facing if we fail to keep global warming below 2℃ and what actions can we take? This article...
Explore the impact that the huge Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption in January 2022 has had on volcanologists theories on volcanoes. The article below has been republished...
Kelp forests are one of the most biodiverse habitats on Earth. Every nook and cranny is jam-packed with life! This citizen science project wants to understand...
International fishing involves some really big numbers. There are an estimated 4.6 million fishing vessels in the world. Most of these are small and local, but...
Come and visit Aotearoa New Zealand’s underwater world in this online citizen science project. Discover, count and identify unique fish species that live within our marine...
Waitā is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is the star connected with the oceans and marine conditions and represents the many types of food...
Mātauranga Māori and science are helping to solve a few questions in Ōhiwa Harbour: What has caused the mussel beds to disappear? Can we restore the...
In January 2022 the world was shocked to hear of a sudden huge volcanic eruption close to Tonga, causing a tsunami and volcanic ash to cover...
We hear a lot about the role of terrestrial forests in climate change, but what about the ocean’s forests? It’s amazing to think that a kelp...
The beach provides each type of living thing found there with food and shelter. This activity involves students in researching and then observing a range of...
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about the interrelationships and food webs in tidal communities. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science...
Hinekirikiri is the female guardian of the intertidal zone. Within te ao Māori, seashores occur at the border of the realms of Tangaroa (god of the...
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about life between the tides. The New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts (BSC) series presents...
The beach environment undergoes regular daily and seasonal changes of conditions as well as unpredictable changes due to extreme weather, unusual tides and the impact of...
In 2018, a map named after an oceanographer went viral. The so-called Spilhaus projection, in which Earth is viewed from above the South Pole, was designed...
This Connected article looks at the aftermath of the 2011 environmental disaster caused when the MV Rena struck Astrolabe Reef, off the Tauranga coast. Since then,...
This article uses a citizen science project carried out by three schools on Aotea Great Barrier Island as the context to explore marine debris and the...
When we throw something away, how do we know where it goes? The Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge developed an online tool to help us find...
In the Connected article Catch my drift, students learn about phytoplankton – tiny floating organisms that form the base of the marine food web. The article...
Although invisible to the naked eye, marine microbes drift continually in our ocean systems, quietly consuming up to 50% of the Earth’s CO2 through photosynthesis and...
Evidence shows that sea levels are rising – but how do scientists gather this evidence? After all, the sea level changes daily due to tides, waves...
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