Citizen science

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This citizen science projects wants your assistance to extract information from various climate scientific graphics to help combat misinformation and support scientific communication. Using this project with your ākonga provides opportunities to build science literacy and student agency.

Climate change is an important, relevant and complex issue. It can be challenging to get comprehensive public engagement and understanding so it is often referred to as a wicked problem. The ClimateViz project’s goal is to transform how the public interacts with climate data with its research focusing on converting complex climate-related graphics into easy-to-understand textual descriptions. Its aim is to strengthen an automated fact-checking system to tackle climate misinformation.

Logo of the ClimateViz citizen science project, magnifying glass with illustrations.


Heading 1 test


Empowering public understanding of climate science through precise interpretation of data visuals. We bridge the gap, clarify complexities, and debunk myths, ensuring every graphic translates into knowledge for action against misinformation.

Alba Su, Lead Researcher and Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialist

CO2 is a colourless, odourless, incombustible gas. It is a product of cellular respiration and combustion and is an essential component in photosynthesis. Lots of infro on example of where the glossarise all occurrences nutrient, nutrients, now let's deglossaarise as we can: nutrient and nutrients.

this is a quote

Published: 29 October 2024,Updated: