
Introducing the new-look Science Learning Hub

In an innovative move the Science Learning Hub and New Zealand Biotechnology Hub have joined forces to present the new-look, Science Learning Hub.

Our redesigned site was launched by the Hon. Steven Joyce on the 4 October 2016.

Watch this launch video that shows our journey towards our new improved site.


Twelve years ago we set out to make New Zealand biotechnology more accessible to school teachers and students. From this, the innovative, government initiated resource, The Biotechnology Learning Hub, was launched.

Building on its success, the Science Learning Hub was created – videos, interactives and classroom activities all providing relevant, engaging resources to support science teaching and learning at school.

Thousands of resources have since been developed with the input of scientists and engineers from all of New Zealand’s Universities and CRIs, and many other R&D organisations. The site has also won prestigious international and national awards.

Ten years on, our new-look website combines both Hubs in an exciting demonstration of advances in digital developments, and we are delighted to celebrate with you the new innovative, intuitive, user-friendly Science Learning Hub.

As a key part of the Government’s plan for science in society, A Nation of Curious Minds, He Whenua Hihiri I te Mahara, the Hub continues to share the stories of New Zealand science and technology with teachers, students and wider communities – providing contemporary and authentic contexts for teaching and learning.

Rights: University of Waikato. All rights reserved.
Published: 5 October 2016