
Medicinal benefits of harakeke

Industrial Research Limited scientist, Stephen Tauwhare explains the medicinal properties associated with different parts of the harakeke plant.


Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tāmaki Nui a Rua: He aha ngā wāhanga rongoā

Wiremu: What are the medicinal parts of the plant?

Stephen Tauwhare (Industrial Research Limited Harakeke was used by our people for rongoā [remedies] and they used all parts of it. The leaf could be used for slings or splinting. The karare, which is like the flower stalk in the plant, could be used to splint broken bones. The gel was used to treat wounds, abrasions, and cuts. And of course, the roots - various concoctions were made out of the roots - I guess for a lot of internal complaints. Things like gastro-intestinal problems, which are problems in your stomach or your gut … dysentery, diarrhea, those sorts of things.

Rights: The University of Waikato
Published:27 November 2007