
Child to child vision screening: Roles

Child-to-child vision testing requires students to work in groups of three and take turns being the tester, the recorder and the testee.

In this extract from the Vision 20/20 Project demonstration video, Occupational Therapist Sarah Drummond and students from Tahuna Normal Intermediate School demonstrate the three roles.

Please note – the flip charts and recording sheets in this video are from an earlier version used by the project. Feedback and further development within the project, resulted in an updated flip chart and recording sheet that enables more data to be collected. The process of collecting data remains the same.


The Tester


Right Ethan you’re the tester so I’ll show you what the test involves. Right so this is the testing booklet. So, you’re going to stand with your feet on this white line. OK? You’re always going to have this face facing you. So, you turn the pages away – away from you. You see this little face here, that means the flip chart is the right way around, ok? So, you’re going to hold the chart like this, hand at the top and hand at the bottom and you’re going to read out the instructions out to Maddie who’s being tested, okay? We’re going to turn the page, so for example on this page you’re going to say, ‘Please cover your right eye and begin reading the chart’, ok? You’re also going to say to Maddie, ‘Start with row one’, and when she finishes that row you’re going to go down to the next row - all the way to the bottom. So, start with the big letters, finish with the small ones. If she gets a letter wrong, you can ask her to repeat the row.

The Testee


Okay Maddie I’m going to explain to you the role of the person being tested, alright? So, you’re standing just behind that white line okay? You see the chart that Ethan is holding up, see the ‘E’s? What you’re going to do you’re going to point the direction that the limbs are facing. So, for example the first E on line one, which direction are the limbs of the E facing?


Mmm right.


That’s right. So, you’re going to point really clearly and really slowly. So, What about the next one?


It’s going up.


Yeah and the third one?


It’s going down.


Perfect, exactly. So, you’re always going to start on the left part of the chart near the red number. You start from the top of the chart and go down.




There’s going to be four tests, so you’re going to go all the way through the first one, turn the page and go onto the next one.



The Recorder


Alright Luke I’m going to explain to you the role of the person recording the results okay? So, the first thing that needs to be done, the person who is being tested needs to fill in these questions on the front of the form. Name, classroom, the date, when they last got their eyes tested, if they wear glasses and if they’re wearing them today. Okay that’s really important. So, it would be Maddie filling that in as she’s the one being tested. You’re going to turn the page. This is explaining how to record the results. So, as we said start on row one. You’ve got some boxes you’re going to tick or cross if they get the answers correct or incorrect. You’re going to add up the total numbers of ticks in the box at the end, test all rows and repeat for all charts. So, I’ll show you what that means on the next page. Okay. So these E’s are facing the same direction as the E’s on the chart Maddie is reading. So, every-time Madddie points in a particular direction if she points the right way you’re going to tick in this box and if she points the wrong way you’re going to cross in the box, okay? At the end you’re going to add up the total number of ticks and write them here, out of 3 or out of 5. Does that make sense?




You’re going to do exactly the same for all four tests. What you’ll notice, see these colours down here these colours are the same colours as on the flip chart itself. So you’ll see the high contrast right is a sort of teal colour, it’s the same colour for the flip chart. That helps you make sure you’re both recording for the same test. Acknowledgements Sarah Drummond Maddie, Ethan and Luke Professor Mary Butler Professor Kelechi Ogbuehi Machicko Niimi Curtis Stent Tahuna Normal Intermediate School Tony Hunter Karen Parker

Rights: Vision 20/20 Project
Published:14 December 2020