
Why innovation is important: Fabien Maisonneuve

Fabien Maisonneuve explains the importance of innovation for enabling New Zealand businesses to compete in the global marketplace and help drive the country’s economy.


Fabien Masionneuve:

Innovation for young people is important because innovation is what drives a country’s economy. You have to constantly innovate to make a difference, not only in the domestic market but also with globalisation – you have to think worldwide. Depending on the products you’re marketing, you will have to innovate and make a difference on the market, because if you don’t do it, other countries, other entrepreneurs will do any way. So I think innovation is probably on your top three lists of skills to have if you want to drive a successful business.

New Zealand is such a small country. We have to make a difference, and New Zealand has certainly realised that they need to make use of that green clean pure image to try and market their product overseas.

Now, most New Zealand brands going after the world are already doing this and I believe are most successful at doing it, but here at Zealong, we wanted to certify that purity. Being BioGro organically certified and ISO 22000 certified is sort of a legal proof that we grow in the pure clean environment.

Acknowledgements: Fabien Masionneuve, Vincent Chen & Feng Lin, Zealong Tea Zealong, Eterna Holdings Ltd

Rights: University of Waikato. All rights reserved.
Published:24 September 2013