Could raupō help restore wetlands?
New research details the history of raupō from the time before people arrived in Aotearoa. It shows this resilient, opportunistic plant – and taonga species –...
Plastic pollution and marine microbes
Plastic and microplastic pollution of oceans is a wicked problem. Using bioinformatics and statistical analysis, scientist Victor Gambarini looked to correlate marine microbes that could degrade...
Citizen science
Big Butterfly Count
This New Zealand-based citizen science project collects data about butterflies in our gardens, schools, parks and farms – any location in the country or on the...
Restoring Te Auaunga – Oakley Creek
We rely on the natural world for recreation, building social connections and supporting our mental and spiritual health. Our land 2024 is an environmental report produced...
Our land 2024
The land and ecosystems of Aotearoa New Zealand are globally unique and nationally significant. Our connections to and relationship with the land are a defining characteristic...
Sharks and rays facing extinction
Overfishing is the primary threat to deep-water sharks and rays. Research has found that their long lifespans and slow reproduction rates make these species as vulnerable...
Utilising Our climate, our biodiversity, our future
Our climate, our biodiversity, our future is an interactive storymap that uses a collection of stories arranged to show the interconnectedness of ki uta ki tai...
Climate change and impacts on biodiversity
Aotearoa New Zealand is home to an amazing diversity of living things, many of which are endemic – only found here. Nowhere else on the planet...
Citizen science
Mizuiku Upstream Battle
Did you know that 80% of marine litter globally starts life on land? Mizuiku Upstream Battle is a citizen science programme run by Keep New Zealand...
Citizen science
Backyard Battle
Backyard Battle is a citizen science programme run by Keep New Zealand Beautiful. It gets students, teachers, volunteers and other citizen scientists out collecting litter at...
Improving Aotearoa New Zealand’s biosecurity detection
This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative Commons licence CC BY-ND 4.0 and is written by Dr Angela (Ang) McGaughran, Senior Lecturer in...
Teacher PLD
Weeds and native ecosystems – a context for learning
Introduced plant species – friend or foe? This might depend on who is answering the question. Over 25,000 exotic plants have been introduced to Aotearoa New...
Tackling weeds to safeguard native ecosystems
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment report Space invaders: A review of how New Zealand manages weeds that threaten native ecosystems investigated the growing risk weeds...
Case study: Tetracycline antibiotics in the environment
Antibiotic medicines have been an important development for human health, and they’re credited with improving the average human lifespan. While important for human and animal health,...
Case study: Zinc in the environment
We use chemicals every day, and they’re all around us. We know different chemicals come in different forms and that they will behave differently in different...
Chemical contaminants in the environment
Did you know there are over 30,000 chemicals approved for use across Aotearoa New Zealand? Who approves and regulates the use of these chemicals? How do...
Weeds – threats to native ecosystems
We all know about the threats that predators like possums, rats and stoats pose to New Zealand's native ecosystems, but did you know different exotic weeds...
Teacher PLD
Freshwater resources – planning pathways
Freshwater is defined as inland water – springs, streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands. It includes water that is stored in glaciers and under the ground within...
Our freshwater 2023
Ki uta ki tai – from the mountains to the sea – acknowledges the journey that water makes from the atmosphere to the mountains and across...
Lakes380 – writers’ insight
As content developers for a science education website, we always operate with the nature of science hovering in the background. The Science Learning Hub was a...
Using He reo nō te puehu
He reo nō te puehu – A voice from the dust is a 360-degree browser-based virtual reality experience in which users can visit Lake Moawhitu at...
Finding out what’s in our lake using eDNA
Environmental DNA (eDNA) has revolutionised how scientists monitor ecosystems and identify the species that live in them. eDNA is genetic material found in hair, scales, skin...
Environmental DNA
All living things shed genetic material like hair, scales, skin and faeces into their local environment. This is known as environmental DNA (eDNA). For example, an...
Labelling a cockle/tuangi
The New Zealand cockle, also known as tuaki or tuangi, is endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand’s coastal areas. They are filter feeders and are well adapted...