Fighting infection, the immune system – unit plan
Our bodies have a defence system against pathogens that make us sick. This defence system is made up of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect us. It is known as the immune system. This unit is designed to help teachers improve students’ ideas about the immune system and how it works to fight infection.
Sick child
We all get sick from time to time and don’t feel too good. At this time, our bodies are busy working to make us well.
Overarching learning outcomes of this teacher resource integrate:
understanding that the immune system works to fight infection in our bodies (scientific knowledge)
investigation into the immune system and how it functions to fight specific diseases (scientific practice)
understanding that scientific knowledge can be used to help people (nature of science).
Students will meet these learning outcomes by:
identifying and classifying microorganisms
identifying some specific cells and parts of the immune system
investigating how the immune system responds to specific pathogens
playing a card game to explore how different viruses affect the body
modelling immune response through drama
debating an ethical dilemma.
Download the unit plan (see link below).