Teacher PLD

Planet Earth and Beyond – Volcanoes

The Science Learning Hub has many resources for primary teachers related to volcanoes in the Planet Earth and Beyond strand of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Children love to explore volcanoes – they are exciting. Volcanoes can erupt spectacularly, throwing molten rock into the air in pyrotechnic displays that are simply stunning. How do volcanoes work? Where do they form? How does this relate to us?

Volcanoes resources – planning pathways provides pedagogical advice and organises Hub volcanoes resources into key science concepts and topics.

Read on for information about volcanoes resources organised by New Zealand curriculum levels.

2 researchers measuring volcanic changes with GPS instruments NZ

Measuring volcanic changes

GPS instruments pick up millimetre-sized changes in the shape of a volcano. Swelling can sometimes be an early sign of volcanic unrest.

Rights: GNS Science Limited

Resources designed for use with NZC levels 1 and 2

On shaky ground – Introductory article

Shaky scientists and engineers – Article

Earthquakes and volcanoes – Article

New Zealand volcanoes – Article

Volcano map of New Zealand – Interactive

Under the Earth’s surface – Article

Rotorua caldera formation – Media

Calderas in the sandpit – Activity

Tectonic jigsaw puzzles – Activity

Resources designed for use with NZC levels 3 and above

Investgating volcanoes – Introductory article

Types of volcanoes – Article

Types of volcanic rock – Article

Magma on the move – Article

Volcanology methods – Article

Plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes – Article

Auckland's volcanoes – Article

Auckland’s forgotten volcano – Article

Volcanoes in Auckland – Video

Volcano map of New Zealand – Interactive

Exploding Taupō – Article

Rotorua caldera formation – Media

Plates and quakes – Activity

World of quakes – Activity

Geonet – Video

Plate tectonics – Video

It’s bringing science into the 21st century using the Hub, isn’t it?


Volcanic eruption of Ruapehu, New Zealand 1996.

Mt Ruapehu.

The highest mountain in the North Island (2,797 m) is a stratovolcano (a type of cone volcano). The volcano has three summits. Crater Lake is located in the current active crater close to the summit. Last erupted in 2007.

Acknowledgement: GeoNet

Rights: GEONET

Classroom examples

Find out how teachers around New Zealand have used volcano resources in their classrooms.

Children making evidence-based decisions about volcanic risk – Article

Students’ evidence-based decision-making – Article

Science gives students the understanding to make decisions that will be more useful than if somebody just said ’Here’s a civil defence book. These are the things you need’. They can actually understand why they need these things and how their families will be affected.


Related information

Modelling tsunamis and protecting the coast – Article

Geonet – Video

Dating ice cores – Video

NASA infrared image of Mount St Helens – Image

Searching for the Pink and White Terraces – Article

Solander Island – an extinct volcano – Article

Volcanic giant found in the Pacific Ocean – Article

4 scientists examining lava flow cores from extinct Tamu Massif

Examining lava flow cores

Examining lava flow cores from the extinct Tamu Massif volcano, from left, IODP Core Curator Chad Broyles (foreground), Expedition 324 IODP Project Manager Jörg Geldmacher, Expedition 324 Co-chief Scientist Takashi Sano, and the other Expedition 324 Co-chief Scientist William Sager.

Rights: International Ocean Discovery Program (iodp.tamu.edu)

Published:24 June 2015