Takahē – question bank
An inquiry approach is often recommended for science education. It supports student-directed learning and can enhance engagement because students pursue questions and lines of inquiry that interest them.

Takahē (Porphyrio hochstetteri)
The takahē is a flightless land bird endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand. This is Bargie (male bird on left) and Ihi, a courting pair photographed on Kāpiti Island in 2016.
Rights: Geoff de Lisle
This question bank provides an initial list of questions about takahē conservation and places to begin an inquiry.
Takahē – an introduction, Takahē – a context for learning and Planning pathways using takahē resources have links to further resources and student activities.
Q 1. What is ecology?
Q 2. What is an ecosystem?
Q 3. What is the difference between a habitat and an ecological niche?
Q 4. What are biotic and abiotic factors?
Q 5. What are adaptations? What are structural, behavioural and physiological adaptations?
Q 6. Describe some adaptations of a takahē. Identify them as either structural, behavioural or physiological adaptations.
Q 7. What is an interrelationship? Describe the differences between interspecific and intraspecific relationships in an ecosystem.
Q 8. Why are our New Zealand species unique?
Q 9. What makes a pest a pest?
Q 10. Why are our native species so vulnerable to introduced species?
Q 11. What is biodiversity?
Q 12. How are species classified?
Q 13. What do ecologists measure when studying populations and how do they do it? What does it tell them?
Q 14. What do population growth and survivorship data tell us?
Q 15. Describe the predator-prey relationship.
Q 16. What are some limiting factors for a population?
Q 17. What are the impacts of a bottleneck/founder effect on small populations? What impact does this have on genetic diversity and viability?
Q 18. Why do we give animals conservation rankings?
Q 19. What is captive management?
Q 20. Do you think animals should be kept in captivity? Why or why not?
Q 21. What factors need to be considered when translocating animals?
Q 22. Why are offshore and mainland islands important for conservation?
Q 23. How would you decide whether to support the conservation of an endangered species?
Published: 11 February 2019