
Interpreting representations using climate data

The science capability ‘Interpret representations’ encourages students to think about how data is presented, what the representation tells us and how it gets the message across. Visual representations contain literacy and numeracy components that students may need support to understand.

Infographic of New Zealand's rising temperature

New Zealand’s annual temperature is rising

This graph shows the temperatures from decade to decade and year to year.

Graph by Ministry for the Environment, Stats NZ, and data providers and released under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Rights: Crown copyright 2020

In this activity, students observe and interpret graphs from the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ’s Our atmosphere and climate 2020 report. The activity includes discussion questions to help students understand the ways in which the representations present information.

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

  • develop literacy and numeracy skills for interpreting information from graphs

  • identify the components of a graph

  • discuss the purpose of the graph.

Download the Word file (see link below).

Published:15 October 2020