
Weather – literacy learning links

This teacher resource lists selected articles from the Connected and School Journal reading series that support science concepts when teaching about the weather.

Rain falling close to the ground


All forms of water that fall from the air to the Earth's surface are called precipitation. Whether it is snow, rain, sleet or hail depends on the temperature of the air that the water falls through. 

Rights: Sergey Minaev, licenced through

Connected and School Journal resources are produced for New Zealand primary and intermediate schools by the Ministry of Education. They are available to New Zealand schools in print and digital form (use the search function in the Literacy (inc. Instructional Series) section of the Tāhūrangi website.

Connected and School Journal titles and synopses for the topic weather

Science Learning Hub resources supported by the titles

Weather in general and forecasting

Sun, wind, or rain? Connected Level 2, 2016

What makes the weather Connected Level 3, 2012

Keeping an eye on the weather Connected Number 3, 2012

Signs of change Connected Level 3, 2012

Ben Hawke, Mosgiel's Meteorologist, School Journal Level 4, June 2018

Planet Earth and Beyond – Weather – article listing Science Learning Hub links to help teach about weather.

Weather forecasting – article

Measuring the weather – a timeline – interactive timeline

Weather – video about weather satellites

How Deep is Your Snow? – online citizen science project

Cyclones and hurricanes

New Zealand’s weather Connected Level 3, 2012

Severe weather School Journal Story Library Number 1, 2012

Nightmare on Anchorage Island School Journal Part 4 Number 1, 1999

Building for the future Connected Level 3, 2017

These resources explain the causes and some of the terminology associated with heavy rainfall events.

Cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes – article

Extreme weather – article

Water cycle

The water cycle Connected Number 2, 2002

What makes the weather? Connected Level 3, 2012

Making puddles Connected Number 1, 2000

The shape School Journal Part 1 Number 4, 1995

Mist Connected Number 2, 1999

The range of resources we have in H₂O on the go, the water cycle – introduction follows water’s journey through the hydrological cycle. Water, in all its forms, is continually exchanged between the Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

Water and weather – article

Global water cycle – interactive

Observing clouds and weather – article

The following activities use models to aid students with their understanding of aspects of weather and the water cycle. They are suitable for mid and upper primary levels.

Building a water cycle

Clouds and the weather

Water run-off

Lightning, rain and more

Rain, rain Ready to Read, by Joy Cowley, 1983

Lightning explained – article

Viewing and monitoring lightning – activity

Precipitation and cloud formation – activity

Protection from the weather

Keeping houses warm or cool Connected Number 1, 2010

Science and technology play a part in protecting us from the weather – whether we are inside or outside.

Insulation – article

Staying warm in Antarctica – video

Damp homes and health risks – article

Data collection

You can count on it Connected Level 3, 2013

These hands-on activities support students in collecting data about weather.

Making a weather vane and compass

Making a barometer

Making a rain gauge

Making a thermometer

Making an anemometer

Related content

For literacy links to climate change see the article, Climate change literacy learning links.

Useful links

Connected uses contextual issues to promote scientific, technological and mathematical literacy, search. Got to the the Literacy (inc. Instructional Series) section of the Tāhūrangi website and search by title or "Connected".

School Journal supports students in years 4–8 to meet the reading demands of all New Zealand curriculum areas.

The Connected and School Journal teacher support materials are accessed through the Journal Surf website. A subscription login is required.

The Connected journals can be ordered from the Down the Back of the Chair website. Access to these resources is restricted to Ministry-approved education providers. To find out if you are eligible for a login or if you have forgotten your login details, contact their customer services team on 0800 660 662 or email

Published:18 July 2019