

Phytochemicals are naturally occurring, biologically active chemical compounds in plants. The prefix ‘phyto’ is from a Greek word meaning plant.

The presence of certain types of phytochemicals in some plants can act as a natural defence system providing protection against such things as attack from insects and grazing animals. In contrast, other plants produce phytochemicals that provide colour, aroma and flavour, thus inviting attention from potential consumers.

Green cabbage.

Cruciform vegetables

Cruciform vegetables like cabbage have a high phytochemical content. It is estimated that 1 serving of cabbage could supply, in very small amounts, up to 100 different phytochemicals.

Rights: Natalia Fedorenko, 123RF Ltd

More than 4,000 of these compounds have been discovered, and it is expected that scientists will discover many more. Any one serving of vegetables could provide as many as 100 different phytochemicals.

Why phytochemicals should be in our diet

When consumed in the diet, there is an increasing body of evidence to indicate that phytochemicals may reduce the risk of age-related chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer.

Although their absence from the diet might not cause deficiency symptoms, such as those found with vitamins and minerals, they are thought to be important for health and wellbeing throughout life, especially in adulthood and in the elderly.

Phytochemicals are thought to act as synergistic agents, allowing nutrients to be used more efficiently by the body. Synergy is the working together of two things (food components, for example) to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects.

Phytochemical classification

Phytochemicals can be classified into 3 main families:

Terpenoids such as the carotenoids Carotenoids such as beta-carotene are responsible for the orange-red colours of popular foods like carrots, oranges and tomatoes. Beta-carotene is converted in the body to vitamin A by a specific enzyme present in the gut.

Beta-carotene forumula.


Beta-carotene is the most common form of carotene in plants and is responsible for the orange-red colours of foods.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Phenolic compounds such as the flavonoids Cyanidin is a polyphenolic compound found in many fruits such as blueberry. The highest concentrations of cyanidin are found in the skins of the fruit.

Cyanidin, polyphenolic compound formula.


Cyanidin is a polyphenolic compound found in fruits such as blueberry.

Rights: University of Waikato. All rights reserved.

Alkaloids Capsaicin is an alkaloid compound found in chilli peppers. Because of the burning sensation caused by capsaicin when it comes in contact with mucous membranes, it is commonly used in food products to give them added spice or heat.

Capsaicin, alkaloid compound, formula.


Capsaicin is an alkaloid compound which causes a burning sensation and is commonly used in food to give them added spice or heat.

Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

Phytochemical action

For over 20 years, it was widely believed that, since most phytochemicals have demonstrated antioxidant activity outside of the body, consuming them would bolster the level of antioxidants in the bloodstream. This would then lead to improved health and wellbeing as well as extending one’s life expectancy.

Phytochemicals – plants’ chemical treasure trove

Dr David Stevenson, a senior scientist with Plant & Food Research, defines the term phytochemical and explains some of the actions a class of phytochemicals called polyphenols have within the plant. These range from serving as signalling molecules to boosting the plant’s defence mechanisms in warding off attack from bacterial and fungal pathogens as well as insects that use the plant as a food source.

Point of interest:
Organically grown plant crops have not been exposed to pesticides, fungicides and bactericides. Does this mean that they may contain higher levels of polyphenolic phytochemicals than conventionally grown crops?

Rights: University of Waikato

Now, though, there is increasing evidence from recent research that these potential health benefits arise from mechanisms other than antioxidant capacity alone.

Until these matters are resolved, researchers recommend that a common sense approach should be followed. A balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, will supply all of the phytochemicals needed to assist with the maintenance of health and wellbeing.

Parents who insist on their children eating up all of their vegetables are to be complimented for their good judgement!

Learn about a new apple cultivar with high levels of anthocyanin being developed by Plant & Food Research in this article: Why breed a red fleshed apple.

Nature of science

When faced with a claim that something is true, scientists respond by asking what evidence supports it. In the case of the claim made by some that certain phytochemicals found in fruit and vegetables have antioxidant activity, scientists are continuing to gather evidence.

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Published:18 March 2011