The fungus Austropuccinia psidii is responsible for causing the invasive plant disease commonly known as myrtle rust, which threatens a large range of plants within the...
The varroa mite is a tiny but destructive pest responsible for the deaths of many honey bee colonies in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world....
Data has become so central to everything we do that it has its own branch of research. The emergent field of data science combines knowledge from...
Introduced plant species – friend or foe? This might depend on who is answering the question. Over 25,000 exotic plants have been introduced to Aotearoa New...
Kiwi Kai is an online learning tool that is an ideal context to learn about science capabilities and enduring competencies. Scenarios in this virtual farm encourage...
Aotearoa New Zealand has a developing space industry that employs people from around the motu. Our space industry encompasses: people who model atmospheric greenhouse gases and...
This article asks us to consider why we like some animals more than others and whether this matters when it comes to conservation. Biologist Sophie Fern...
Aotearoa New Zealand faces a wicked problem – do we kill introduced pests or do we allow them to kill our native animals, damage our forests...
Ahi Pepe MothNet is a citizen science project that explores New Zealand’s native moths, their distributions and whether vegetation restoration impacts moth diversity. One aspect of...
Humans have been manipulating living organisms for thousands of years. Examples of early biotechnologies include domesticating plants and animals and then selectively breeding them for specific...
In this unit plan, students develop a mobile evidence collection system to collect forensic evidence from a crime scene in a reliable, repeatable way. They are...
In this recorded professional learning session, Lyn Rogers and Andrea Soanes explore the Science Learning Hub's Ethics thinking toolkit. They use the toolkit and other Science...
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to make millions of copies of a target piece of DNA. It is an indispensable tool in modern molecular...
Download the Ethics thinking toolkit, which provides a structured framework for scaffolding student thinking about an ethical issue. Using the Ethics thinking toolkit Before students attempt...
An inquiry approach is a method often used in science education. The question bank provides an initial list of questions about nanoscience and places where their...
Nanoscience involves the study of chemical and physical changes that happen at the nanoscale. Researchers and scientists are interested in the nanoscale, because when many materials...
Games have long been used for developing both skills and knowledge in the education sector. As digital technologies continue to develop, the range of digital learning...
Television dramas like CSI Bones and Criminal Minds – can create false expectations and impressions of forensic science, especially in the courtroom. Listen to this radio...
In this activity, students explore ethical issues related to farming and environmental pollution. They learn about the science involved and the range of perspectives among stakeholders....
Professor Greg Hampikian has developed a DNA barcode system that permanently marks DNA samples, preventing them from being muddled with others. Professor Hampikian, who is chair...
In October 2012, Living Cell Technologies were granted permission by Minister of Health Tony Ryall for phase I clinical trials involving transplanting specially coated pig cells...
In this activity, students consider the use of mice for bioassays and in establishing the lethal dose when researching/testing toxins. They consider the rights and responsibilities...
The New Zealand Curriculum places strong emphasis on the social aspects of science within the nature of science strand, which includes a participating and contributing component....
The Ethics in science planner is a planning template designed to help teachers plan for and teach ethical thinking in their science programmes. The ethical thinking...
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