This citizen science project wants your assistance to extract information from various climate scientific graphics to help combat misinformation and support scientific communication. Using this project...
In the Māori world, animals are related to humans through whakapapa. Animals as well as humans are descendants of ngā atua and as such are considered...
In this recorded professional learning session Chloe Stantiall and Greta Dromgool share their experiences exploring mātauranga as pākehā educators in English medium classrooms. Chloe Stantiall is...
Join Greta Dromgool and guest Giselle Clarkson in this recorded professional learning session which introduces the practice of observology. Giselle Clarkson is a New Zealand author...
In this recorded professional learning webinar, educational experts Dr Rosemary Hipkins and Pauline Waiti provide provocations about the purpose of Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori...
Observation is a key component of mātauranga Māori and science. This activity enables ākonga to use the science capability ‘Gather and interpret data’ as they observe...
Collecting kōwhai seeds from outside the classroom and then growing them inside breaks down the perception that learning only happens in the classroom. This activity will...
Challenge students to explore and observe kōwhai trees with a particular focus on the seeds. Initially, students may only notice the seed pods hanging from the...
After a heated contest, New Zealand’s Bird of the Century was named in November 2023 – the puking and pompadoured pūteketeke. The victory isn’t just for...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool talks with Dr Kristin Dyet about her role at New Zealand’s Institute of Environmental Science & Research (ESR)....
Discussions of artificial intelligence (AI) are inseparable from questions of ethics. In 1942, Isaac Asimov famously popularised the idea that intelligent machines should adhere to a...
Across the generations – and for young people, in particular – climate change is recognised as the most important challenge that our world faces. Education is...
Our atmosphere and climate 2023 – an environmental report produced by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ – begins with this whakatauākī: Tiakina te...
RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA inhibits gene expression. It is a natural process in cells. As a biotechnology tool, RNA interference...
Genetic modification has been used in Aotearoa New Zealand since the 1970s. It is used in research laboratories and in contained field tests, in some medicines...
In traditional Māori society, a range of methods for pest control were developed such as reciting karakia, the strategic use of fire and smoke, soil preparation...
The fungus Austropuccinia psidii is responsible for causing the invasive plant disease commonly known as myrtle rust, which threatens a large range of plants within the...
The varroa mite is a tiny but destructive pest responsible for the deaths of many honey bee colonies in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world....
In this recorded webinar Pauline Waiti and Rosemary Hipkins explore the idea of knowledge systems with examples from science and mātauranga Māori. The report Enduring Competencies...
Data is the precursor to information. It’s an unorganised collection of values expressed as numbers, text or symbols. That may seem quite abstract – and raw...
Data has become so central to everything we do that it has its own branch of research. The emergent field of data science combines knowledge from...
We are witnessing a resurgence of Indigenous knowledge and growing acknowledgement of its scientific value worldwide. This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative...
The Garden Bird survey is New Zealand’s longest running citizen science project! Join the Garden Bird survey researchers from Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Dr Angela...
How do we as a society enable the decision makers we elect to make good decisions on our behalf? One way is by appointing people and...
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