
Te Tārore Pepe Tuna ‘Heath’ me tana hakaka

E whakamārama ana a Georgia, tētahi o kā ākoka ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti, me pēhea te whakarite i te tārore pepe tuna Heath, ki te whakamanea, ki te hopu i kā pepe tuna.

English translation Georgia, a student at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti, explains how to set up a Heath moth trap to attract and capture moths.



He maha ngā wāhanga o ngā tārore nei. Āhua uaua ki te hanga. Heoi anō, ka whakatū i ngā pakitara me whakauruuru i ngā pakitara ki ngā kapiti, ā, ka takoto i te taupoki ki runga. Āta whakanoho te kupenga ki roto i taua pouaka rā. Purua ētahi (6 ki te 8 pea) o ngā pouaka hēki ki roto. Ka whakaaro rātou ngā pepe tuna he rākau aua pouaka hēki pēra ki tō rātou kāinga. Kātahi ka waiho i te koeko ki roto i te taupoki hei whakamau i te rama. Ko te wāhanga whakamutunga ko te rama. Ka purua ki roto i te koeko, ā, kua rite tō tārore. Ka waiho i te rama ki roto i te koeko. Ehara i te piata nui ki a mātou ngā tangata engari he tino pai ki ngā pepe tuna. Nā te rerekētanga o ō rātou karu he pai ake te rama actinic ki a rātou. I te whakaaro ngā pepe tuna ko te Marama te rama. Ka rere rātou ki taua rama, ā, ka rere ki roto i te tārore.

English translation


There are many parts to these traps. They are difficult to build. However, you stand all four walls together and join all the walls into the slots then lay the lid across the top. Carefully place the net inside that box and place some (6–8) egg cartons inside. The moths will think those egg cartons are trees just like their homes. Then place the cone/funnel inside the lid to hold the light. The last part is the light. Place it inside the cone, and then your trap is ready.

Leave the light inside the cone. It isn’t a bright light to us, to humans, but it is great for the pepe tuna. Because of their different eyes, the actinic light is better for them. The moths think the light is the Moon. The fly towards the light and then fly into the trap.

He mihi ki a koutou: Dr Barbara Anderson Dr Robert Hoare The tamariki of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti

Ahi Pepe MothNet Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Kāi Tahu dialect

The people in this resource use the Kāi Tahu dialect. Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti is based within the Ngāi Tahu Takiwā.

Rights: University of Waikato
Published:27 July 2018