Fair testing
Fair testing finds relationships between variables (factors). A single variable is changed while keeping other variables the same. Any differences are said to be the result of the changed variable.
This method is most easily suited to physical sciences – for example, will the reaction go faster if a more concentrated acid is used? – and technology investigations – for example, which paper towel can soak up the greatest volume of water?. Fair testing is particularly well suited to investigations that record measurements.
This method may not work well where investigations
need to be done in the field
are monitoring change over time
need to examine a whole system, not just isolated parts.
Activities that use fair testing
Examples of kairangahau Māori using fair testing as part of their research
Hemi Cumming is researching sea sponges and rongoā to investigate new cancer treatments.
Fair testing finds relationships between factors or variables. A single variable is changed while keeping other variables the same. Any differences are associated or correlated in some way with the changed variable.
This method is most easily suited to physical sciences and technology, for example, will the bioplastic bag degrade more quickly if we increase the heat and which fabric is the strongest?
Fair testing is particularly well suited to investigations that record measurements and where the variables can be identified and managed.
This method may not work so well where investigations need to be done in the field, monitor change over a long period of time or examine a whole system, not just isolated parts.
As scientists increase sample sizes and repeat and reflect on their tests, their investigation becomes more robust and they can be more confident about their findings.
Yvonne Taura, Dr Beverly Clarkson, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, and Cultural indicators and Cross-cultural conversations, Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman, Swampfrog Environmental and Tree Consultants, editors of , a wetland restoration handbook (the educational resources developed from this book are here)