Toroa – our giants of the skies
Of the world’s 22 species of albatross, nearly half can be found in Aotearoa. These include the wandering or snowy albatross (Diomedea exulans). Its wingspan of...
Teacher PLD
Observology for the classroom
Join Greta Dromgool and guest Giselle Clarkson in this recorded professional learning session which introduces the practice of observology. Giselle Clarkson is a New Zealand author...
Citizen science
The free Find-A-Pest app makes it easy to report and identify possible pest species. Wherever you are, you can help protect Aotearoa New Zealand’s primary industries...
Utilising Our climate, our biodiversity, our future
Our climate, our biodiversity, our future is an interactive storymap that uses a collection of stories arranged to show the interconnectedness of ki uta ki tai...
Climate change and impacts on biodiversity
Aotearoa New Zealand is home to an amazing diversity of living things, many of which are endemic – only found here. Nowhere else on the planet...
New Zealand's Biological Heritage – Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho
New Zealand's Biological Heritage – Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho (BioHeritage Challenge) is one of the 11 National Science Challenges created by the Ministry of Business, Innovation...
Improving Aotearoa New Zealand’s biosecurity detection
This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative Commons licence CC BY-ND 4.0 and is written by Dr Angela (Ang) McGaughran, Senior Lecturer in...
Teacher PLD
Weeds and native ecosystems – a context for learning
Introduced plant species – friend or foe? This might depend on who is answering the question. Over 25,000 exotic plants have been introduced to Aotearoa New...
Tackling weeds to safeguard native ecosystems
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment report Space invaders: A review of how New Zealand manages weeds that threaten native ecosystems investigated the growing risk weeds...
Weeds – threats to native ecosystems
We all know about the threats that predators like possums, rats and stoats pose to New Zealand's native ecosystems, but did you know different exotic weeds...
Teacher PLD
New Zealand Garden Bird Survey – a context for learning
Aotearoa New Zealand is famous for its quirky native birds. Ngā manu, their unique adaptations and the threats they face are common classroom topics. But what...
Kiwi Kai virtual farm – an introduction
Kiwi Kai is an engaging online learning tool – this virtual farm allows students to explore the relationships between a healthy environment, healthy kai, healthy people...
Lakes380 – writers’ insight
As content developers for a science education website, we always operate with the nature of science hovering in the background. The Science Learning Hub was a...
Finding out what’s in our lake using eDNA
Environmental DNA (eDNA) has revolutionised how scientists monitor ecosystems and identify the species that live in them. eDNA is genetic material found in hair, scales, skin...
Environmental DNA
All living things shed genetic material like hair, scales, skin and faeces into their local environment. This is known as environmental DNA (eDNA). For example, an...
The Majestic Samaúma – art meets science
Art can help students understand the world around them. It can take many forms such as sculpture, paint, sound, abstract, light, real life, models, digital formats...
Seed banks – protecting biodiversity
Seeds are part of most plant life cycles. Seed-producing plants and the seeds they produce provide resources for humans and other living things. These include food...
Citizen science
Spyfish Aotearoa
Come and visit Aotearoa New Zealand’s underwater world in this online citizen science project. Discover, count and identify unique fish species that live within our marine...
Citizen science
Global Earth Challenge
Be part of a worldwide movement and use Global Earth Challenge to submit or classify photos to help our planet’s environment and human health. Global Earth...
Extremophilic microorganisms
What are extremophilic microorganisms? Let’s start by looking closer at microorganisms. All the organisms we know about on Earth are either cellular (by far the majority)...
Teacher PLD
Te Repo – wetlands as a context for learning
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool shares the mahi from a collaboration between Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao – The...
What now for the Rena?
This Connected article looks at the aftermath of the 2011 environmental disaster caused when the MV Rena struck Astrolabe Reef, off the Tauranga coast. Since then,...
Wetland (repo) connections – ecological and cultural perspectives
Repo (wetlands) are rich in biodiversity. They are the ‘in between’ places that connect the water with the land, providing habitats for native plants, invertebrates, fish...
Teacher PLD
All about insects
In this webinar, join Greta Dromgool as she introduces Tom Saunders and Chrissie Painting – two of Aotearoa New Zealand’s amazing entomologists. Delve into the fascinating...