Planning pathways using conservation resources
This interactive groups Hub resources into key science and teaching concepts.
This interactive diagram provides a selection of pathways that allow for differing approaches and starting points using some of our conservation resources. The aim is to assist educators with their planning of lessons and units of work by providing options that cover multiple science concepts. The article Conservation resources – planning pathways provides pedagogical advice and links to the New Zealand Curriculum.
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Our quirky and unique birds receive a lot of attention but they are only one subset of endemic and native animals. Aotearoa New Zealand’s long isolation from other land masses means that many of our native creatures – from snails to skinks to wētā – are quite unusual. Many other native animals also need our protection from habitat loss and introduced predators.
The following introductory articles curate Hub resources about different groups of native animals.
Insects – article
Moths – article
Butterflies – article
Wētā – article
Reptiles and amphibians – article
Earthworms – article
Freshwater fish (English and te reo Māori versions) – article
Birds (general) – article
Ducks – article
Takahē – article
Image of Richardsonianus mauianus, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, CC BY 4.0.
Our plant life is just as unique as our bird life. Over 80% of our native plant species are found nowhere else. Our plants evolved as the land rose from isolated lowland islands to varied and mountainous ecosystems – our animals evolved alongside them.
The following introductory articles and links curate Hub resources about native plants.
Trees – article
Ferns – article
Harakeke/flax – resource collection
Subantarctic Islands megaherbs – resource collection
Image of Chatham Islands sow thistle, Amanda Baird.
Our forests hold a treasure trove of life that is mostly found only in Aotearoa New Zealand. There are nearly 6,000 species of fungi. Like animals and plants, fungi are also at risk due to habitat loss.
The following introductory articles curate Hub resources about native fungi.
Fungi (English) – article
Tēnei mea te hekaheka (te reo Māori) – article
Image of honey mushrooms, Andy Taylor.
Taking action
Conservation action enables students to engage with science in real-life contexts. This section offers pedagogical advice, project ideas and science resources.
Professional development
These professional development resources provide pedagogical advice and resources when using conservation as a topic of learning or inquiry.
Taking action for conservation – webinar
Our native trees – webinar
Eco-explorers – webinar
Eco-champions – webinar
Inquiry outside the classroom – webinar
Pest detectives – webinar
Citizen science
Citizen scientists are volunteers who contribute to scientific projects. It makes science education more relevant and engaging and develops students’ science capabilities. The following links aid with planning and action.
Getting started with citizen science – PLD webinar
Planning for students to be citizen scientists – PLD article
Citizen science projects – resource curation
PSP initiatives
Participatory Science Platform (PSP) initiatives support collaborative, community projects that bring together locals and scientists or technologists to research and investigate locally important questions or problems. Get inspired with these conservation-based projects.
Project Hotspot – protecting threatened coastal species – article
Redesigning wētā houses – article
Students help restore mauri to the Oruarangi Stream – article
Restoration science
These resources explore the science that underpins restoration.
Restoration – article
Riparian restoration – article
Planting stream edges – article
Te whakatō otaota ki ngā tapa kōawa – article
River islands – article
Image: Sustainable Coastlines, CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ.
Mātauranga Māori
Scientists recognise the value of Māori knowledge, particularly that concerned with the natural world and ecology. As tangata whenua of Aotearoa, Māori have an inherent responsibility as kaitiaki (those who carry out kaitiakitanga). Mātauranga Māori and science can complement one another, benefiting both Māori as kaitiaki and scientists in their research.
These resources explore aspects of mātauranga and conservation.
Mātauranga Māori and science – article
Understanding kaitiakitanga – article
Te mana o te awa – article
Estuaries – a Māori perspective – activity
Ngā mātauranga me te whakamahi a te Māori i ngā hekaheka and Māori knowledge and use of fungi – articles
Ihumātao – past and present – article
Making moth identification guides – article
Working together to restore the Ōngātoro/Maketū Estuary – article
Image of moth, Olly Ball.
Conservation is often about preserving or restoring habitats. The following introductory articles and links curate Hub resources regarding habitats.
Marine habitats – article
Life on a reef – article
Estuaries – article
Bush ecosystems – article
River ecosystems – article
Urban habitats – article
Image: Steve Attwood.
Biosecurity is the process of detecting and controlling unwanted crop weeds, pests and diseases. Aotearoa New Zealand has a unique but fragile natural ecosystem, which developed without many of the pests that are common elsewhere in the world.
We rely on production agriculture as a key part of our economy.
Biosecurity isn’t limited to airports and seaports. Learn more about biosecurity and the role we can all play to protect our country.
Biosecurity – article
Biosecurity collection (find out how to make this part of your own collection)
Kauri dieback – resource curation
Myrtle rust – article
Myrtle Rust Reporter – citizen science project
Kiwifruit and PSA – article
Image: Scottie Productions.
Pest control
Pest control can mean many things in Aotearoa New Zealand. Pests range from small insects to introduced mammals. There are actions we can take in urban and rural areas, on conservation land, on school grounds and on private properties.
The New Zealand Government has a vision of becoming predator-free by 2050. The following article outlines the vision and links to a series of unit plans and resources developed by ZEALANDIA with the support of WWF New Zealand.
These resources highlight methods of pest control.
Methods of predator control – slideshow
1080 – an overview – article
Alternatives to 1080 – article
Clover root weevil – article
These resources look at a range of pest species. Most of the resources contain related content sections with links to additional content.
Aquatic pests
Koi carp – article
Land-based pests
New Zealand’s wasp problem – article
White butterflies – article
Invasive animals in cities – article
Cat fight – article
Rabbit control – article
Image of EnviroMate 100TM courtesy of Shane Hyde.