Teacher PLD

Planet Earth and Beyond – Weather

Weather is ever present, ever changing and always interesting.

Have a look at these Science Learning Hub links to see how they might fit in to your weather unit.

New Zealand weather map areas of high & low atmospheric pressure

New Zealand weather map

This map of New Zealand shows areas of high and low atmospheric pressure. We can use maps such as this to determine what the weather will be like, with highs indicating fine weather and lows meaning rain.

Rights: MetService

General weather concepts and activities

Watching the Weather – Article

Weather and climate – Article

Differences between weather and climate – Activity

Using weather data – Activity

Cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes – Article

Extreme weather – Article

Gaseous atmosphere – Article

Space weather – Article

Sun, wind or rain? – Article

Making a thermometer – Activity

Making a weather vane and compass – Activity

Making a rain gauge – Activity

Making a barometer – Activity

Making an anemometer – Activity

Weather – literacy learning links – this article contains a selection of weather-related articles from the Connected and School Journal series, along with supporting Hub resources.


Lightning location network – Article

Lightning explained – Article

Space weather – Article

Lightning – Image

Steps in lightning production – Image

Thundercloud charges – Image

Weather balloon being released – Image

Lightning – Video

Lightning research – Video

I am continually amazed by how many things we can improve... applying what we already know in better, more effective ways.

Dr Eric Scharpf

Aurora Australis over Lake Tekapo, New Zealand.

Aurora Australis over Lake Tekapo

The colours of the Aurora Australis are caused by the reaction of the gases in our atmosphere with the solar winds that are emitted by the Sun.

Rights: Fraser Gunn

Weather and the water cycle

H2O On the Go – Unit plan

Earth system – Article

Water and weather – Article

Building a water cycle – Activity

What is the Earth system? – Activity

New Zealand weather map – Image

Rain – Image

The water cycle – Image

Weather satellite orbits – Image

Water and weather

In this video, Dave Campbell and Keith Hunter discuss what weather and climate are, and how the water cycle is key to the weather. Weather describes the condition of the air masses overlying land and sea. Climate refers to a pattern of weather over a period of time (such as a season). Weather is the ‘here and now’, while climate is an accumulation of many days’ or even years’ worth of information about the weather.

Weather and climate are complex processes with many influences: solar radiation, the tilt of the Earth’s axis, landscape (including buildings and cities), seasons, time of day and human activities. Approximately half of the incoming solar radiation is used in evaporating water to the atmosphere. This water then becomes our weather, which can then recharge water resources of the rest of the planet through precipitation

Points of interest: Find out what latent heat is and why it is important. What is the source of heat energy that drives the water cycle?

Rights: The University of Waikato

Satellites and weather

Satellites to study Antarctic atmosphere – Articile

Investigating the Antarctic ozone hole

Dr Adrian McDonald tells us why his research on the interaction between atmospheric dynamics, chemistry and climate is important for the development of climate models.

Points of interest:

  • Why do you think Adrian travels to Antarctica nearly every year to do fieldwork?

  • Why does he distribute the weather stations where he does?

Rights: University of Waikato

Satellite sensing – Article

Weather satellite orbits – Image

Our research is contributing to the big topic of climate change... We are trying to understand it and find a solution so we can mitigate and adapt to our future climate.

Dr Katja Riedel


Observing clouds and weather – Article

Diagram of different clouds.

Cloud types

One of the easiest ways to predict weather is to look at the clouds. There are many different types of clouds in the troposphere. Different clouds mean different types of weather.

Clouds and the weather – Activity

Precipitation and cloud formation – Activity

Seeing through clouds – Article

Towering cumulus clouds – Image

Cloud roads – Image

Tropical Cyclone Yasi in 2011 from a NASA’s Terra satellite,

Tropical Cyclone Yasi

A spectroradiometer on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image on 1 February 2011. The storm extends over the Solomon Islands and grazes Papua New Guinea. Part of the Queensland coast appears in the top left corner.

Rights: Public domain

Citizen science projects

How Deep Is Your Snow? – Online citizen science project

Related content

What happens with you play with data, sort it, arrange it, test some ideas and predict what might happen? Find out in this Connected article. It uses a parent’s job as a meteorologist and an upcoming sports competition as the contexts for using data.

Published:17 June 2015