This comprehensive worldwide online citizen science (OCS) project collates bird species, numbers, locations and times of sightings into a large database. You can create a class as a user and, by recording observational information, use this information to focus on how to read the collated data and discuss what it means.

Participation in the project requires you to be able to identify types of birds (plenty of resources are given to support this). Opportunities for discussions around critiquing evidence (How many birds have we seen?, How do we know that we didn’t count one bird twice?) are extensive, as is the potential for practising interpreting the data you have submitted after the OCS has collated it.

Sitting within this global site is the New Zealand Bird Atlas – a world-first approach to a 5-year project that collated information about how many bird species are in New Zealand and where they are.


Reach: Worldwide (with lots of New Zealand data)

eBird citizen science project logo

This citizen science project collects observational data about bird sightings and allows you to compare your region with others over time.

Rights: eBird at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Nature of science focus : Online citizen science projects can be used to develop any of the Nature of Science (NoS) substrands. Identify aspects of NoS that your students need to get better at or understand more fully and then frame your unit to be very clear about these things when you do them.

Science capability focus: Gather and interpret data, Use evidence, Critique evidence, Interpret representations

Science focus : Ecology – bird identification and species distribution

Some suggested science concepts:

  • Birds can be identified by their external features.

  • Birds have adaptive features – structural (beaks, feet) or behavioural (calls, migration) – that enable them to live in different habitats.

  • Each bird species can be classified as being native, endemic, introduced, and/or endangered.

  • Bird species are adapted to live in their particular habitats.

  • Introduced birds often compete with native bird species for food, shelter and nesting sites.

  • Birds are part of many food webs within larger ecosystems.

  • Changes in habitat can affect the survival of living organisms in an area and the relationships between them.

  • Populations are living organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time.

Many concepts could be learned – focusing on a few can often be more powerful. Develop your learning outcomes and success criteria from these concepts as well as the Nature of Science strand and the science capabilities.

Four examples of learning outcomes:

Students can:

  • identify local birds by their external features

  • compare adaptive features and explain their role in a bird’s survival

  • collect bird observations independently

  • discuss the reasons why scientists need reliable data.

About eBird

Unlike the New Zealand-based Garden Bird Survey, this site can be used year round to record bird sightings. Being a global project, it is also possible to see numbers of species worldwide. There appears to be total transparency, and you can view anyone’s sightings. This is a huge project with a lot of content support around it (identification guide pictures and sounds, videos about birding, customisable bird ID quiz maker and so on).

Young female student recording bird species in their garden.

Recording bird species

A year 4 student records the different species of birds visiting her garden at home for the New Zealand Garden Bird Survey. Other online citizen science projects offer variations on bird data collection depending on desired learning outcomes.

Rights: Private Collection

To participate, students collect observational data about birds – the day, time, species observed, number in each species and the total observation time. This can be done as individuals, groups or a whole class .

Once observations are submitted, you can access your own entries and use the site to compare your results to other nearby or faraway places. There are a lot of New Zealand entries, making local and national comparisons possible.

The Explore section contains species maps, bird hotspots , photos and sounds for searching and identification, and graphing tools.

eBird is the citizen science project part of Bird Sleuth, a substantial bird resource by Cornell Lab of Ornithology. eBird New Zealand is a collaborative project between eBird and Birds New Zealand.

New Zealand Bird Atlas project

The goal of this worthy project was to capture an up-to-date dataset to tell the real story of New Zealand birds. A project of this magnitude was last done 20 years ago and much has changed since then due to urban sprawl, land use change and rampant predators! With many endemic birds being forced into remote back-country or offshore islands, this project hoped to gather information needed to help guide and influence national and local government conservation policy planning for decades to come.

Logo of the New Zealand Bird Atlas citizen science project

New Zealand Bird Atlas

In June 2019 the New Zealand Bird Atlas, an ambitious 5- year project to map the distribution and abundance of our country’s birds was launched with the project ending on 31 May 2024.

Photo by Dan Burgin.

Rights: New Zealand Bird Atlas

During the 5 years the New Zealand Bird Atlas project ran, over 100 different bird species were observed. The top species spotted were the chaffinch, the Eurasian blackbird, the silvereye and the grey warbler.

Search the full atlas here. There is an interactive species map where you can explore by species or subspecies and/ or you can explore regions in New Zealand, for example find the best bird viewing hotspots. Also included is a library of bird photos and sounds.

Nature of science

Using this OCS gives opportunities to discuss how scientists might use the collective data from sightings to monitor species over time, including population numbers and distributions. Students can also consider the challenges for scientists in collecting large datasets themselves and appreciate how involving citizen scientists makes the scientists’ findings more valid.

Related content

The Hub has an extensive range of resources featuring birds including Native bird adaptations, Birds’ roles in ecosystems, Predation of native birds and articles on conservation of our native species and bird classification. You can also find out more about our native birds such as the kiwi, takahē, kākā, New Zealand ducks, penguins, godwits, toroa and kererū. For all of our articles and activities, browse through the Birds topic. For more on populations, see Population biology. Protecting native birds references the important role of citizen scientists.

Related citizen science projects

Try one or more of these bird related citizen science projects:

  • For a New Zealand-specific project, take part in the annual New Zealand Garden Bird Survey run by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and held in late June.

  • Log your kea sightings with the Kea Database to assist scientists and conservationists to know more about the habits of this alpine parrot.

  • The iNaturalistNZ online citizen science project uses Seek, a species identification app.

PLD for teachers

Here are some planning tips for when you intend to use a citizen science project with your students. We also have two recorded webinars to help, Getting started with citizen science and Online citizen science.

Connected series content and more

The Ministry of Education’s Connected series includes the following articles and teacher support material: The takeaway table (Birds in my backyard is a ready-to-use cross curricular teaching resource using article), What Alice saw, Keep your cat inside and Bringing back the birdsong.

We have re-purposed the popular Building Science Concepts Book 3: Birds: Structure, Function, and Adaptation with an article and interactive linking this great resource with Hub content.

Useful links

eBird is only one part of a suite of bird-related sites and information from Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Watch the New Zealand Bird Atlas launch video on YouTube.

Where New Zealand's birds are: First 'bird atlas' in 20 years finished is a RNZ news story about the completion of this project and includes an interview with project coordinator Dan Burgin. 

This Stuff news article sums up the climate-related threats facing some of our endemic birds – a pattern that was revealed by analysing Birds New Zealand's unique bird atlas datasets. The New Zealand Bird Atlas scheme will help contribute to research such as this.

Find out more about New Zealand’s birds and the conservation efforts undertaken by the Department of Conservation under the birds section of their website.

Birds New Zealand / Te Kāhui Mātai Manu o Aotearoa is the Ornithological Society for New Zealand and its mission is to foster the study, knowledge and enjoyment of birds.

New Zealand Birds Online allows you to search by bird name and provides information on each species, including habitat, breeding, ecology and sound clips of bird calls.

A 2020 European study Biological diversity evokes happiness found that the number of bird species in a person’s surroundings correlates to happiness.

The Science Learning Hub team has curated an introductory collection of resources to help teach about bird conservation. Sign in to make this collection part of your private collection, just click on the copy .

We also have a Pinterest board focusing on our native birds.


This project outline was written as part of Victoria University of Wellington’s Citizen Scientists in the Classroom project funded by the Ministry of Education’s Teaching & Learning Research Initiative.

Published:18 March 2019