He tohu te whakarerekētanga o te korihi a ngā manu kāore e tika ana tētahi āhuatanga mō te tangata whenua...
New Zealand is world famous for its unique birdlife. In our resources on conserving our native birds, we look at...
Explore the science concepts that underpin knowledge and understanding about birds and their structure, function and adaptations.
Aotearoa New Zealand is known worldwide for its unique native birdlife. Ngā manu a Tānemahuta have been taonga from the first moments of early Polynesian immigration....
E whakapae ana kei te āhua 209 ngā momo manu whakawhānau i Aotearoa. Me pēhea tātou e mōhio he aha ngā momo manu e mātaitia ana...
He tohunga ō tātou tūpuna mō te āta mātaitanga. He mea whakamōhio i a rātou ngā raraunga mai i ngā mātaitanga i te manaakitanga o te...
He mea whakahirahira te manu ki te iwi Māori, he uri whakaheke nā Tāne Mahuta he mana nui tōna i te tirohanga mātairangi a te māori...
E whai ana Te Tatauranga o ngā Manu Māra o Aotearoa ki te whakamanawa i te kaitiakitanga mā roto i ngā kohakoha pūtaiao kirirarau ki te...
A change in birdsong was a tohu for mana whenua that something was not right in the Waitākere Ranges. Kauri were māuiui. After waiting years for...
Careful observation is something our tūpuna were experts at. Data collected from observations informed them in the care of mahinga kai by making predictions about weather...
It is estimated there are currently 209 breeding bird species in Aotearoa New Zealand. How can we tell what bird species we are observing? All living...
The association of birds as the children of Tāne Mahuta reflects their importance in Māori cosmology and their integral role in the natural world. They were...
Te Tatauranga o ngā Manu Māra o Aotearoa | New Zealand Garden Bird Survey strives to encourage kaitiakitanga through citizen science efforts to enhance knowledge and...
After a heated contest, New Zealand’s Bird of the Century was named in November 2023 – the puking and pompadoured pūteketeke. The victory isn’t just for...
The toroa/northern royal albatross is one of the largest seabirds in the world! They are referred to as graceful giants of the ocean, and with a...
Tupuārangi is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is connected to food and growth above the ground and has a strong connection with birds. Aotearoa...
Scientists used ‘fake news’ to stop predators killing endangered shorebirds — and the result was remarkable. This article has been republished from The Conversation under Creative...
Wetland habitats are diverse places. They support an enormous range of animals from microscopic communities to some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest birds. Zooplankton – the...
The ruru (morepork, Ninox novae-zelandiae) is not an animal we normally associate with repo – wetlands. We are more likely to hear their haunting calls coming...
Kākā (Nestor meridionalis) are one of New Zealand’s endemic parrots and a great example of how concerted efforts can improve a native species’ conservation status. It...
The kiwi is New Zealand’s most iconic bird – we even call ourselves Kiwis – yet all kiwi species are threatened and require ongoing action to...
We know that some animals make amazing long-distance journeys called migrations. This article explores some of the technology scientists use to track the animals and their...
In 1880, Alice McKenzie saw a large blue bird in a remote part of Fiordland. Alice and her family made careful observations of the bird and...
Students decided to create a ‘takeaway table’ with food for the birds who visited their school. But before they could stock it with food, they had...
The kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae), also called kūkū, kūkupa, wood pigeon or simply New Zealand pigeon, is endemic and one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most valuable assets...
The takahē is a large, flightless bird – the largest living rail bird in the world. Rails are a family of ground-living birds and live on...
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