Mātauranga Māori is a modern term for the combined knowledge of Polynesian ancestors and the experiences of Māori living in...
Māori knowledge of animals is vast. This article is an introduction to Māori knowledge of a selected sample of animal...
Science Education: Fit for Purpose was a national summit co-hosted on 2 July 2024 in Auckland by the Science Learning Hub Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao and Royal...
Aotearoa New Zealand is known worldwide for its unique native birdlife. Ngā manu a Tānemahuta have been taonga from the first moments of early Polynesian immigration....
He mea whakahirahira te manu ki te iwi Māori, he uri whakaheke nā Tāne Mahuta he mana nui tōna i te tirohanga mātairangi a te māori...
Iwi Māori of Aotearoa did not have a written language until the 19th century, and knowledge was encoded and passed down through waiata (songs), pātere (chants),...
E whai ana Te Tatauranga o ngā Manu Māra o Aotearoa ki te whakamanawa i te kaitiakitanga mā roto i ngā kohakoha pūtaiao kirirarau ki te...
A change in birdsong was a tohu for mana whenua that something was not right in the Waitākere Ranges. Kauri were māuiui. After waiting years for...
The association of birds as the children of Tāne Mahuta reflects their importance in Māori cosmology and their integral role in the natural world. They were...
Te Tatauranga o ngā Manu Māra o Aotearoa | New Zealand Garden Bird Survey strives to encourage kaitiakitanga through citizen science efforts to enhance knowledge and...
Chloe Stantiall, a year 5–6 kaiako at Silverdale Normal School, shares her experiences and insights from a week-long teaching and learning sequence about kōwhai. Chloe worked...
Kōwhai trees litter the banks of rivers and streams and are a popular choice as a border for new roading developments around Aotearoa. Not only are...
Our activities on the land have wide-ranging effects on Aotearoa New Zealand’s diverse ecosystems and the biodiversity they support. Our land 2024 is an environmental report...
Students can explore te ao Māori concepts in the context of farming and food production through Kiwi Kai virtual farm – an introduction. This virtual farm...
Te ao Māori me te kēmu Kiwi Kai whakataruna ahuwhenua Ko tā ngā tauira, he torotoro i te ao Māori ki roto mai o te horopoki...
Mahika/mahinga kai is a highly significant concept for Māori. It encompasses the values and protection of natural resources and is specific to iwi and their rohe....
Waitā is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is the star connected with the oceans and marine conditions and represents the many types of food...
Waitī is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is the star connected to freshwater: springs, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and the plants and animals that...
Hiwa-i-te-rangi, a whetū in the Matariki cluster, is the youngest child of Rehua and Matariki. Hiwa-i-te-rangi represents our aspirations for a prosperous season ahead. She is...
Tupuārangi is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is connected to food and growth above the ground and has a strong connection with birds. Aotearoa...
Tupuānuku is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is the star connected to anything associated within the soil, including cultivated and uncultivated foods grown in...
Pōhutukawa is a whetū in the Matariki cluster. It is connected to those who have passed since Matariki the previous year. Pōhutukawa prompts us to reflect...
He taiao tōnui mō ngā reanga katoa – a flourishing environment for every generation. Aotearoa New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ report on...
Mātauranga Māori and science are helping to solve a few questions in Ōhiwa Harbour: What has caused the mussel beds to disappear? Can we restore the...
Food preservation is something that most people take for granted. Our cupboards contain tins, jars, sealed bags and boxes. Refrigerators and freezers store perishable foods. We...
This Connected article is based on an interview by Susan Paris with environmental scientist Dr James Ataria (Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Tūwharetoa). James’s work focuses on...
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