He anga mātauranga pūtaiao taketake mā ngā kaiako
He taonga tonu te repo ki a ngāi Māori. Ko ētahi atu kupu mō te repo, ko te wairepo, ko...
In ecological terms, wetlands are ecotones – transitional habitats between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They provide a mixture of habitats...
Mahika/mahinga kai is a highly significant concept for Māori. It encompasses the values and protection of natural resources and is specific to iwi and their rohe....
Wetland habitats are diverse places. They support an enormous range of animals from microscopic communities to some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest birds. Zooplankton – the...
Wetlands are defined by the presence of water – places where water covers the soil or where it is present at or near the surface for...
Kōura (freshwater crayfish, Paranephrops planifrons, P. zealandicus) are one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s original inhabitants. They have an ancient lineage that diverged from their Australian relatives...
The ruru (morepork, Ninox novae-zelandiae) is not an animal we normally associate with repo – wetlands. We are more likely to hear their haunting calls coming...
An indicator is something that can be measured or monitored. We use indicators to see changes or trends in things ranging from an individual bird species...
Wetlands once occupied nearly 10% of Aotearoa New Zealand’s land cover. In the last 150 years, 90% of these wetlands have been drained or degraded. Fortunately,...
Wetlands are ‘in between’ areas – they are permanently or intermittently wet areas on the margins of drier land or along the margins of water bodies...
Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata nā Kīngi Tāwhiao Te Wherowhero He kōrero anō mō Tākuta Jonni Koia Ka tirohia i konei te ara...
Tākuta Jonni Koia Kei tēnei wāhanga o te mātaitanga rongoā ngā kōrero mō Tākuta Jonni Koia – te ara e haere nei ia, ōna whakapono, ōna...
Me pēhea te whakahoki mai i ngā rākau rongoā ki te repo? Ko te whāinga nui, kia takoto he taiao e pai ana ki ngā huānga...
Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata nā Kīngi Tāwhiao Te Wherowhero I mua i te taenga mai o tauiwi, he taonga tonu te repo...
Te ahunga o ā mātou mahi Arā tā mātou whāinga, kia pai ake ngā taiao e hora mai rā ngā roto katoa o Te Hiku. Kua...
He mea nui ngā roto tāpokapoka i roto i ngā tātai kōrero ā-iwi o Te Hiku o Te Ika. Engari kua raru ēnei roto i te...
Te rākau taumatua, he karahuinga manu. nā Anaru Reiper Ngā roto tāpokapoka kei waenga taipū He hira tonu ngā roto kei waenga taipū – ki tā...
Hūtia te rito o te harakeke, kei whea te kōmako e kō? Te kohi me te whakaora ake i te harakeke Ētahi whiriwhiringa mō te whakaora...
Me pēhea te whakatipu kuta hei whakahauora ake i ngā pā kuta? Te mahi kia tinaku ngā kākano kuta Anei ngā āhuatanga motuhake e tinaku ai...
Te kohi kuta Kohia ai e te Māori ngā momo tipu me ērā atu hanga o te taiao e noho taonga ana ki a rātou i...
He taonga nui te kuta me te harakeke ki ngā kairaranga Māori – i ngā rā o nehe, ā, i nāianei anō. E aro ana tēnei...
Mō te wāhi ki te repo, me whakatakoto pea he kaupapa aroturuki e aro nui ana ki ētahi momo e noho taonga ana ki te pūnaha...
He aha te ‘tohu’ e kōrerotia ake nei? Ko ngā tohu taiao. Mā ngā tohu o te taiao e whakaatu mai ki a tātou e pēhea...
Me pēhea te whakaora ake i ngā taupori kōura? Ngā mahi matua Tūāmahi 1: Me kōrero tahi ki ngā whānau, ngā hapū me ngā iwi, kia...
Ko te tau kōura te tino tikanga mahi kōura o mua, o nāianei hoki, a ngā iwi o Te Arawa e noho rā ki ngā takiwā...
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