Our great forests of Tāne-mahuta hold a treasure trove of life that is mostly found only in Aotearoa.
Nō Ngā Hekaheka o Aotearoa te kuputaka nei. Kua noho mai ki konei hei hoa mō ngā kōrero o taua pukapuka kua morimoria e te Pokapū...
He whānui te mōhio o ngā tūpuna ki ngā hekaheka me ngā tini painga o ētahi. Ko ētahi he kai, ko ētahi he rongoā, ko ētahi...
Our ancestors had extensive knowledge of fungi and multiple uses for a number of them. The uses include for kai and rongoā, tā moko and as...
Noho tahi ai ngā hekaheka, ngā tipu me ngā hanga oreore ki te poho o Tāne-mahuta. Ka mutu, he mahi nui anō ka kawea e tēnā,...
Fungi, plants, and animals live together in Tāne-mahuta, and all have important roles to play. Fungi live with plant roots, helping the plant to get minerals...
Nō te whaitua eukaryota ngā hekaheka, ko te īhi, ko te puruhekaheka, ko te harore ētahi o ōna huānga. He pūtautini ētahi hekaheka, ko ētahi ia,...
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms and include yeasts, moulds and mushrooms. Some fungi are multicellular, while others, such as yeasts, are unicellular. Most fungi are microscopic, but...
He puna koiora puiaki te wao nui a Tāne. Waihoki, ko Aotearoa anake te kāinga e tupu māori ai te nuinga o ōna hanga ora. Ko...
In an age where we are becoming increasingly concerned about bacterial evolution and the effectiveness of antibiotics, there is an on-going need for novel antimicrobial compounds...
Scion has been looking for environmentally friendly bio-based timber treatments against fungi attacks. Dr Tripti Singh from Scion explains more about this project to Alison Balance...
In the early 20th century, New Zealand’s flax industry was a significant money earner, supplying fibre for the world’s rope and linen trade, but the advent...
Position: Science Team Leader, Biosystematics, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research. Field: Biodiversity, conservation and ecology of New Zealand fungi. Dr Peter Buchanan is a scientist with...
This article curates Hub resources regarding some of New Zealand's unique native insects and fungi – and the ecosystems that support them. Find out how our...
We may be aware of the conservation problems facing kiwi, tuatara, hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin), kākāpo and black robin, but what do we know about the unique...
Are fungi plants? Are they animals? How do you decide? Since the 1700s when it was first used, the classification system for organisms has been under...
The southern beech forests of New Zealand are home to a unique resource – honeydew – delicious to birds, fungi and insects. This sweet sticky substance...
Imagine a creature that turns moths into mummies by trapping them in an underground grave before emerging out of their neck to begin the cycle again....
He whānui tonu ngā mōhio o ngā tūpuna Māori ki ngā hekaheka me ngā painga anō o ētahi. He kai ētahi, he rongoā ētahi, mō te...
I konei ka oti i ngā ākonga he tānga o ngā pua atua o te harore. He mōkitokito ngā pua atua – e kore e kitea...
In this activity, students create a spore print from a mushroom. Individual fungal spores are microscopic and cannot be seen with the human eye, but spore...
I tēnei mahi nei, ka whakapakari te ākonga i ōna pūkenga āta tirotiro me ōna mātauranga pūtaiao. Ka kohia, ka whakamāoritia anō hoki he raraunga, ka...
In this activity, students hone their observation skills and practise using the science capabilities ‘Gather and interpret data’ and ‘Interpret representations’. The activity has two parts:...
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